Self Awareness & Mastery of Emotional Intelligence

self awareness

self awareness


The buzzword “emotional intelligence” was created by Yale researchers Salavoy and Mayer, who first published their theory in 1990.  Their research was prompted by studies that demonstrated that people with average IQ’s outperformed their higher IQ counterparts in life success terms over 70% of the time. They theorized the missing link to overall lifetime success as emotional intelligence or EQ.   

When you struggle with an addiction you, and the people who are close to you, will be on an emotional rollercoaster as you find your way to recovery. Even after you’ve stopped doing drugs, there is a wide array of emotions you will face that could potentially end in relapse. We all have strengths and weaknesses, but your level of self-awareness and how you react to your emotions directly relates to good mental health and the potential for long-term sobriety

This article will explore the idea of Emotional Intelligence and give you a better idea of how to gain mastery over self-awareness. 


What is Emotional Intelligence? 

Emotion means energy in motion. Emotional intelligence is the ability to demonstrate self-awareness on an emotional level and manage those emotions effectively.  Everyone has emotions and that is normal. No internal feeling is considered unacceptable. However, there are inappropriate ways of expressing and managing those emotions.  

Emotions tell you something about how you perceive the world, so listen to them and learn from them.  When you deny yourself the opportunity to feel them, you also deny yourself the opportunity to learn something about yourself, the accuracy of your perceptions, and the chance to improve self-awareness.



27 Different Kinds of Emotions

The psychology community once assumed that most human emotions fell into the universal umbrella categories of happy, sad, angry, surprise, fear, and disgust.  Current studies by the Greater Good Science Center report at least twenty-seven distinct emotions all intertwined and connected.

People feel frustration, disappointment, rage, embarrassment, guilt as much as they do joy, happiness, delight, expectation, and enthusiasm.  They are all OK to feel; it’s how you manage and express them that counts.    

“Managing your thoughts and feelings” does not mean suppressing them, or pretending you do not have them.  It’s about becoming accepting and comfortable with the idea that you are experiencing an emotion and it means something to you. The theory is when you bury or stuff down the ability to avoid pain, you also bury or suppress the ability to fully experience joy.  It’s about opening the door of possibility that you can fully feel an emotion and not decimate or destroy you or your relationships.  

Effective management of emotions means developing the ability to fully feel the emotion that you are experiencing, effectively express what you are feeling, and work smoothly with others towards a common goal.  It means feeling the feeling, understanding that it will pass, withstanding the impulse to bury it or move too quickly to react to it, and learning what it means to you and then doing something proactive about it. 

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Goleman identified five (5 primary) areas of emotional intelligence.

  1.     Self-Awareness
  2.     Managing Emotions
  3.     Motivating Oneself
  4.     Empathy
  5.     Social Skills


How does Mastering Emotional Intelligence Help Me With Addiction? 

Learning emotional intelligence is a critical tool in the toolbox of life skills necessary to negotiate life’s challenges. Addiction comes with a complex set of emotions that people may have a hard time empathizing with. How you handle these emotions while you’re active on the road to recovery will affect who’s in your life when the smoke clears and relates directly to how difficult of a time you will have managing your recovery.

The goal is to align your vision of your life values with your behaviors and act accordingly.  Self-leadership and mastery start with identifying your core values and designing a life built on them. Mastering emotional intelligence has a ripple effect that benefits you and the people who surround you.  It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. External self-awareness is the ability to weather the storm of life and negotiate rough waters without sinking your life’s ship; not avoiding rough waters, but sailing through them to sunnier and smoother shores.


It’s Not All About You

Disappointed?  It’s ok!  In some ways, life is a solo journey, but it’s a lot more pleasurable when you have the support and camaraderie of others along the way.  Human interaction means bumping up against the rough edges of others sometimes, and emotional intelligence is one of the best GPS systems for a worthwhile trip through life.

Many people consider addiction to be a selfish disease because while you’re active in addiction nobody will ever come before your drug use. A lot of lying and manipulation is involved to try to manage this lifestyle along with having relationships with people who care about you, but this causes many relationships to go up in flames. Human beings are social beings, and we benefit and thrive best when we exist cooperatively and meaningfully within our chosen social circles.  Becoming emotionally intelligent and self-mastered requires mastery of two kinds. 

There are two components to emotional intelligence.  The first is developing mastery of intrapersonal or personal competence, which is clear and aligned with the emotional self. The second component is developing mastery of interpersonal or social competence, and that is how you interact with the world. When you authentically align your emotions with how you interact with the world, your world changes accordingly. 


Empathetic Leadership

Empathetic Leadership is recognizing what you are feeling when you are feeling it, deciding what to do about it and when, and forging the best course that serves both you and others.  It’s about stopping to feel the twinge of emotion and exploring it a bit before it becomes a snowball of momentum that damages many things in its path. Buried emotions don’t stay buried.  The emotions surface in other ways and are constantly seeking escape routes, whether it’s an untimely hissy fit or chronic low back pain.  Buried and unprocessed emotions are not benign.

It sounds effortless, but it takes dedication and practice and a bit of a thick skin to start.   It’s never too late.  


Seeking Treatment

Anyone can learn emotional intelligence through dedication to practice to improving communication between your emotional and rational parts of the brain; it’s like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. However, emotional mastery doesn’t come naturally, and while you’re in recovery there are many difficult and complex emotions to juggle and react to. 

Anchored Tides Recovery will provide you with a support system that will help you keep your emotions and addictions in check while you focus on your life and relationships. Call us today to talk to a coordinator and get on your path to emotional mastery. 

Does Being In Recovery Have to Be a Life Sentence?

being in recovery
Anchored Tides Recovery - woman looking out the window

There are many debates about what “being in recovery” means on a personal and definitive level. Most addiction treatment programs subscribe to the modality that addiction is a disease you carry with you for your entire life, even if you are not actively using drugs, you may again one day. 

The “forever” mentality is controversial amongst people who don’t want to be labeled “an addict” for their whole lives or believe that they can overcome their shortcomings. Others believe that this type of thinking is a crutch that some people with addiction use to justify when they slip up. 

Even though most treatment centers teach addiction is forever, this article delves deeper into the conversation, looks at the facts, and will try to answer the question “Do you have to spend your entire life in recovery?” 

What Does Being In Recovery Mean?

An is challenging because everyone’s journey is unique. In its simplest terms, being “in recovery” is a stage of the addiction cycle that comes after you’ve completed addiction treatment. Experts have made a distinction between recovery and sobriety, which mostly correlates to your desire to use drugs. Sobriety is when you abstain from the use of drugs or alcohol.

So what does it mean to be in recovery from addiction?

The United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a list of principles that they believe fulfill the criteria. These include:

SAMHSA goes on to describe signs that characterize being active in recovery. For example, you address problems as they occur, but they don’t lead you to feel overly stressed or to relapse. You have someone in your life that you can be entirely honest. You know what your issues are versus which are other people’s. You have personal boundaries, and you take time to care for your physical and emotional needs.

Rules to Reduce the Risk of Relapse


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The Stages of Recovery

Just as there are phases of addiction, there are also phases of recovery. Everyone may define these a little differently, but they could look similar to the following steps:

Once you go through the steps above, then you may be able to feel like you’re active in recovery, and instead of just surviving, you’re thriving.

Addiction As a Chronic Disease

There is no cure for chronic diseases. instead, you just work to manage the symptoms, at which point you’re in remission. Addiction is viewed as a chronic illness because of the impacts of substances on the brain. There are also predisposing factors such as environment and genetics that can lead to an increased risk of addiction, which is the case with other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes.

Since science views addiction as a chronic disease, relapse will occasionally happen. There are high relapse rates across the board with chronic illnesses. Interestingly, getting treatment for a substance use disorder is often compared to criminal rehabilitation.

Treatment vs. Criminal Rehabilitation

Some states have criminal rehabilitation efforts that seek to treat a person’s mental health disorders and other root causes of their criminal behaviors. Treatment is holistic, and the outcome of criminal rehabilitation can be better overall. Someone who has participated in a criminal rehabilitation program might be more able to contribute to society in a productive, meaningful way.

Final Thoughts

So, does being in recovery have to be a life sentence? 

That is something that you can decide for yourself. What works for one person might not work for another, so rather than thinking being in recovery means you have to fit in a box, just consider your own needs and your journey. Some people make it to a point where they no longer consider using drugs or alcohol, but for others, it helps to feel like it’s something they will never stop working on. Doing what is best for you is always the right decision. 

Being a woman in recovery is easier with aftercare, which can help you avoid a relapse. Aftercare can include group therapy, individual therapy, or participation in a self-help group, or even direct work with a social worker. Anchored Tides Recovery offers all of these aftercare services, plus the comfort of a woman-only environment. Addiction in women requires a different approach, and having a support system of other women who can share in your experience helps a lot. Call us today to learn more about our program and find your recovery.




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Orange County Boutique Treatment Center
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Can Having an Emotional Support Animal Help with Recovery?

emotional support animal

emotional support animal


There are so many different things that can help you stay grounded and on track in your recovery, but perhaps none is better than a pet. Pets can be considered emotional support animals when they help someone in recovery, and they can also be part of recovery and treatment itself.


What is an Emotional Support Animal?

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is a pet that is recommended by a therapist to help with emotional issues. This differs from a Service Animal, as service animals are professionally trained to help with specific issues. 

An ESA isn’t trained to do anything in particular, however, having pets or the company of animals is scientifically proven to help with many mental and physical symptoms; such as anxiety, blood pressure, depression, and more.


What is Animal-Assisted Therapy in Treatment?

When you go to an addiction treatment program, whether inpatient or outpatient, it’s typical for many different types of therapy to be used; for example, you may do cognitive-behavioral therapy or a different kind of talk therapy (one-on-one with a counselor or in a group.) You might also do yoga, art therapy, music therapy, or other holistic therapies.

Animal-assisted therapy can fall into the larger category of holistic therapy during addiction treatment.

Medical professionals don’t just use emotional support animals for substance abuse treatment. Animal-assisted therapy benefits people with other mental health disorders/illnesses, like Alzheimer’s, and even incarcerated people. Animal-assisted therapy is also being looked at for its potentially valuable role in helping children with an autism spectrum disorder.

Animal-assisted therapy has been shown in research to help reduce depression and anxiety as well as aggression. It can help participants feel calmer and overall better. There’s even research that has found dog visits can reduce physical pain and related symptoms.

Specifically, research has found benefits of animal-assisted therapy that include the following:

  • When humans interact with animals, it can promote hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and prolactin. Those hormones play a role in improving mood, and they can create a relaxation response.
  • Animal interaction can help improve mental stimulation.
  • Using animals as part of therapy can reduce anxiety, increase relaxation, and provide comfort and reduce loneliness.
  • There’s some evidence that animal therapy can help reduce initial resistance to treatment, including substance abuse treatment.
  • Researchers have found that animals as part of therapy can lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • In substance abuse treatment, animal therapy helps people with trauma hesitate to talk about their situation.
  • Another specific benefit of animal therapy and the use of an emotional support dog in addiction treatment is that animals can distract from triggers or cravings.

Generally, in an addiction treatment program, there is either canine-assisted therapy or equine therapy. Canine assistance therapy using an emotional support dog can help open up lines of communication. Specifically, studies have found that when a dog is in a rehab facility, the clinicians can gain more insight into their patients, which can help them provide better treatment.

With equine therapy, not only do you do horseback riding, but you may also provide care for the horse, such as feeding, cleaning, and grooming. That gives a sense of responsibility to patients who are recovering from addiction.

Equine therapy can also be beneficial because horses are so powerful and gradually develop trust with the humans around them; this creates a bonding opportunity for people in recovery.

Equine therapy can also help with recovery as addicts learn how to control their emotions because being overly emotional or having an outburst around a horse will diminish the sense of trust.


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How Can an Emotional Support Animal Help Your Recovery After Treatment?

While it’s increasingly common for animals to be part of rehab programs, having a pet when you leave treatment can be beneficial too. For example, many people find that having a dog is a tremendous part of helping them stay sober.

  • If you’re ready for the commitment and have the resources and stability for a pet, it can help you keep negative emotions such as depression or anxiety under control.
  • Since pets do trigger positive emotions, this is an excellent way to avoid relapse triggers.
  • When you’re around a dog, for example, it lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Stress and anxiety are big triggers for relapse, so anything you can do to combat those feelings is suitable for your recovery.
  • Having a pet creates a sense of unconditional support and love which is key to maintaining sobriety. When you leave treatment, you may still be working on rebuilding your relationships with humans, but a pet offers a non-judgmental relationship. There’s comfort in the relationship with pets.
  • Even beyond creating positive feelings and reducing stress and loneliness, something beneficial about pet ownership in recovery forces you to have a routine and be responsible for something aside from yourself. You have to schedule times to feed and walk your pet, take him to the vet, plan ahead if you’re going out of town, and more. These are life skills that are rewarding for you to learn.
  • Having a pet can help you get out and about more, so you aren’t sitting inside all the time. You have to walk your dog, so you’re going to get off the couch and get fresh air, even when you don’t want to.
  • Getting an ESA is a good shift for your perspective if you’re feeling a bit stuck, and you’ll also be active. When you’re engaged, it helps you stay sober and promotes better mental and physical health.

Finally, when you have a pet, especially a dog, it may encourage you to socialize. Dog owners often bond with one another at the dog park or around the neighborhood. You can meet new people who will be a positive force in your life thanks to your dog.


Are You Ready for a Pet in Recovery?

If you’re considering an emotional support animal, you need to make sure you’re ready for the responsibility.

You’ll have to learn more about pet ownership first to make sure you understand the full responsibility. A few other things to consider before you get a pet in recovery include:

  • Are you financially ready? A pet will have costs, even if you’re adopting. Think about how things like food, vet visits, and other supplies will impact your budget.
  • Do you have enough space? If you live in a smaller home or apartment, you may still be able to get a pet, but you will have to limit your options based on the space you have available.
  • Do you have the time to dedicate to a pet? If you’re going to get a dog, you will have to commit to going on daily walks and spending time caring for your pet.

Many people find that having an emotional support animal in treatment or as a pet after treatment is one of the most important and rewarding parts of their recovery. There are genuine, studied benefits of pets in recovery, and they can help you make progress in so many areas of your life, as long as you’re ready for the responsibility. 

Having an emotional support animal is an option that goes well with other treatment options for addiction recovery. Anchored Tides Recovery ​can help assist you and your furry friend with your long-term goals of recovery. Contact one of our care coordinators today for a free consultation.

Benefits of Having a Social Worker

Social Worker

Social Worker


Your support group is one of the most important resources you have in recovery; you will have a better chance at maintaining long-term sobriety if your group is strong. Most people on your team will be friends, family, or even other people in recovery who understand your struggles, but don’t you agree it would be good to have someone on your side that can help with issues beyond cravings. One professional who can play a valuable role as you’re navigating recovery is a social worker.

Social workers are trained to help you solve and cope with problems in your everyday life. The benefit of a social worker being in your support group is that they can also serve as a resource for you to rebuild your life and to thrive.

Anchored Tides Recovery Center has social workers on our staff to help with issues beyond the basic addiction troubles. Situations like career-related issues, custody, living arrangements, and more. These are the sorts of services that help us stand out from all of the other treatment centers, in a good way. 


What Does a Social Worker Do?

A social worker has a degree in social work and is trained to work with individuals to solve, and cope with, problems that arise in their daily lives. A clinical social worker can also diagnose and treat behavioral, emotional, and mental health issues. In general, some of the specific things a licensed social worker might do includes:

  • Determining the needs and strengths of individuals then help them develop goals
  • Assisting clients to adjust to challenges that exist in their lives, including addiction recovery
  • Referrals to community resources like healthcare and childcare services
  • Crisis response during mental health emergencies
  • Continual follow-up with clients to check in and see if they’re meeting their goals and their lives are improving
  • Providing therapy services

Within the larger category of social workers are other areas of specialty. For example, bachelor’s social workers (BSW) and (MSW) will work with community organizations and policymakers to create programs that benefit the community on a more significant level. Both have degrees in social work education, a BSW has a bachelor’s degree and a MSW has a master’s degree; once an MSW has a certain amount of hours of clinical experience they can become a (CSW) and a (LCSW). 

A clinical social worker (CSW) or licensed clinical social worker (LCSW)  require a master’s degree and can provide individual or group therapy. They can work with clients and other health care professionals to create customized treatment plans. Some social workers specifically help people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders; they can help their clients find support groups and other programs and rebuild their lives.


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The Consequences of Addiction on Daily Life

Social workers are multifaceted as far as their services and the benefits they can provide to clients. This is important when discussing a substance use disorder because of how far-reaching the effects are on every aspect of a person’s life. Once you go to treatment, you may find that there is a lot of work to do to get your life back on track the way that you envision it.

Some of the ways that addiction can affect your life include:

  • You may be facing legal problems; if you’re charged with a crime because of your substance use disorder, you may have to go through the court system and pay fines or face other punishments.
  • You might have family-related legal matters; for example, you could have lost custody of your child, or you may be going through a divorce. 
  • You may have financial problems or have lost your job as well.
  • Your relationships may have been deeply affected by addiction; Your loved ones may be hurt by what happened during your active addiction, and they might have lost faith in you or trust. 
  • You could be dealing with chronic health issues resulting in, and you may need regular medical care and treatment.
  • You may have ongoing mental and emotional side effects from your addiction, even if you’re sober. Many people with a substance use disorder have a co-occurring mental health disorder.


Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders

It’s worth talking about co-occurring mental health disorders and substance use disorders on their own because this highlights the benefits of a social worker. A co-occurring disorder is when someone has two or more either mental or physical health disorders. Substance use disorders are strongly correlated with mental health disorders. Around half of the people with substance use disorder will develop at least one mental health disorder in their lifetime, and vice versa. There are three reasons that doctors and researchers believe this might be true.

  1. The risk factors for substance use disorders and mental health conditions often overlap with one another: For example, trauma exposure, abuse, and genetics play a role in substance use disorders and mental health disorders.
  2. Self-medicating: Someone with a mental illness might use substances to deal with their symptoms.
  3. Changes in the brain stemming from substances: The parts of the brain most affected by the use of substances are associated with the areas that relate to mental health disorders.


The Benefits of a Social Worker in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

The above factors highlight the benefits of a social worker in treatment and recovery from substance use disorders. Social workers are educated in mental health, and they can also specialize in helping clients with substance use disorders. An addiction social worker understands psychology and psychiatry, biology, and physical health. They are also connected with the safety net of social services in the community where they work. A trained social worker knows a balance and connection between mental health, behavior, and physical health. They can also oversee the different services included in an addiction treatment plan like counseling and medication.

Specific benefits of a social worker in addiction include:

  • Assessment: Before a social worker begins treatment, they will conduct a complete evaluation that will help them understand each of the factors that contributed to someone’s addiction and its effects. This allows them to create a very tailored treatment plan.
  • Treatment plans: Social workers can oversee treatment plans that last for months or even years. Social workers collaborate with other providers in the delivery of treatment plans.
  • Coping skills: Working with a social worker can help someone in addiction recovery learn new coping skills, such as stress management and conflict resolution.
  • Resource connections: Social workers are well-versed in the various resources and systems available. They work within the system to help with bureaucratic or legal issues you might face; they can even connect clients with employers who are hiring. 

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Social workers can be beneficial and empowering if you are dealing with addiction or you’re in recovery. They are part of a continuous aftercare plan for many people following treatment, and they can help you set and meet your goals.


Seeking Help

Long-term sobriety is a marathon, not a sprint; the process of getting sober and staying sober can sometimes last a lifetime. The quality of the skills and resources you develop on your road to recovery directly relates to your chances of maintaining sobriety. Anchored Tides Recovery has the aftercare and resources, like social workers and group therapy, that will help you at any stage of recovery. Call us today for a consultation and take the first steps towards long-term happiness. 

Don’t Be Intimidated by the People In rehab Who Will Save You

people who go to rehab

people who go to rehab


When you struggle with substance use disorder, you may realize that you need drug addiction treatment, but you can still be afraid or resistant to the idea of going to a drug rehab center. People who go to rehab initially say they were resistant for a wide variety of reasons, but by the end, they find their long term support groups in the very people they were intimidated by at first and admit it was the best thing they’ve ever done. 

Intimidation of people who go to rehab is especially true when it comes to women-only treatment facilities. 

These reasons can include:

  • Denial: This is a big reason for people to be resistant to treatment. They don’t believe they have a problem, or they might not think it’s severe enough to require treatment. Often someone with an addiction to drugs or alcohol may feel like they’re in control of their substance use despite the reality. 
  • Loss of control: A fear for so many people is that they don’t control their own lives and behavior. When you go to rehab, you’re admitting you can’t control your substance use, and you need help, and that’s overwhelming. 
  • Fear: One of the primary reasons people who go to rehab are resistant at first is fear. It takes a lot of courage to go to treatment because it will mean a significant lifestyle change. 
  • Intimidation: Finally, another reason for treatment resistance is the intimidation factor. Women tend to feel that intimidation factor even more than men in some cases, and they may be nervous about being around other women in a location eliciting such vulnerability. This can go hand-in-hand with overall fear, but we tend to underestimate how intimidating it is to go to treatment and be around all new people in a new setting.

By identifying resistance factors, we are able to pinpoint any issues creating resistance and help encourage the idea of a drug treatment rehab program. In particular, we’re going to focus on women being intimidated by other women.


Why Are Women Hard on Other Women?

There are a few main reasons that psychologists believe women display toxic behaviors to other women. It could be a projection of issues someone doesn’t like about themself. For example, if you’ve experienced unkind treatment by women in the past, it could have been that person’s own insecurities that they were projecting onto you. Another reason is that it can be challenging to recognize or change behaviors. People who go to rehab are likely already dealing with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and perhaps even co-occurring conditions such as eating disorders.

Your insecurities may have you worrying about the way you will be treated by other clients when entering an all-women treatment center, but the reality behind the unity of the women in these support groups is refreshing and overwhelmingly positive.

Why Are People Intimidated By Me?

Along with being intimidated by other women, you may find yourself asking, “why are people intimidated by me?” As a young adult being considered intimidating means that you could find it hard to make friends with other women. Many times the reason people are intimidated by you is because of the manifestation of your own insecurities. You may think, “there’s a group of people I’d like to be friends with, but I doubt they would want to be friends with me” and that thought may keep you from talking to them, which in turn could make you appear intimidating or aloof.

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Suppose you think people are intimidated by you because of negative behaviors. In that case, addiction treatment can be a time to assess your behaviors and relationships with other people and start making changes. Aim to be a strong person who welcomes people seeing your strength.  


The Importance of Social Support in Treatment and Recovery

Even if you’re fearful of going to treatment because you’re intimidated, people who go to rehab rarely regret the decision. One of the best things you take away from experience is a support network of people who share similar struggles and who will be there for you well after treatment. Social support is arguably one of the most critical factors in treatment and recovery.

As you go through treatment, you may have to let go of some of the unhealthy or toxic relationships that were part of your life in active addiction. There may be people who trigger you or who could take you off your path of sobriety. So, if you don’t replace those negative relationships with a positive support system, you may be at a greater risk of relapse. When you’re in treatment, you’ll undoubtedly face challenges, such as learning how to communicate openly with other people and trust them. You’ll also have to learn how to overcome shame and guilt, and the other people who are in treatment will be working through these same things so you can support one another. The great thing about the relationships you form in rehab is that they’re intentional, healthy relationships that will support your recovery goals and help you stay accountable through every phase of your journey.

Other benefits of social support from people who to go rehab with you include:

  • Having solid relationships that you form with people in treatment will give you something to lose. You may have entered treatment at a rock bottom point in your life where you didn’t feel like you had anything to lose, so nothing mattered. With the new friendships you build, you have something to live for and strive to maintain and cultivate. 
  • Having a good support system in treatment from other people who go to rehab with you will help you manage your stress and cope in positive ways. You can also lean on your peer support system after treatment to deal with daily stresses in your life. 
  • Having a peer support system of other women can help provide you with a sense of hope. If you’re having a down day or feeling discouraged, the other women you meet in your treatment program can help uplift you, and you can do the same for them in turn. 
  • You may find motivation from other women you meet in treatment, as well as encouragement when you need it. If you see them doing well, it will positively reinforce you in your recovery. 
  • When you’re isolated, you’re at a much greater risk of relapsing, according to research. Staying connected reduces the risk of isolation.


All Women Addiction Recovery

There are so many fears you might have about the thought of getting treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol. This is somethingScreen Shot 2021 07 02 at 18.47.29 that almost all people who go to rehab feel. One of the reasons you may be fearful is because of how you’ll interact with the other women in your treatment program. You may worry they’ll judge you or not accept you.

What ends up happening is that those women you’re in treatment with basically become family members and your number one support system. Those relationships that you may have initially been afraid of will become one of the things you look at being integral to your recovery. 

Anchored Tides Recovery is an environment where women can heal from their traumas. We have heard time and time again at the beginning of enrollment that our girls have felt intimidated by the other girls in the program, but by the end made some of their new best friends. We lift each other up in every aspect of our lives, and it’s amazing what women can accomplish when they work together, including sobriety. Call us today to learn more about our program. 


An In-Depth Look at Services Offered by Anchored Tides Recovery Center

services offered by Anchored Tides

services offered by Anchored Tides


Being a woman struggling with addiction is a unique experience. Most men tend to have very different conditions for addiction; while they share many similarities in addiction development and treatment needs, their experiences are often different compared to a woman’s. Lets take a look into the services offered by Anchored Tides Recovery.


Benefits of a Women-Focused Addiction Treatment Center

There are many advantages to women-only rehab centers. The unity between women who attend a women’s only rehab center during their recovery provides a chance to heal in a judgment-free environment, with more empathy and understanding. This environment can make it easier for women to build relationships and a support group they can utilize throughout their lifetime. 


Services Offered by Anchored Tides Recovery


Partial hospitalization program

Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are for moderate to severe substance use disorders and a need to attend more support-based programs during the day. The goal of PHP is to provide a bridge between an intensive inpatient program and outpatient treatment. A qualified staff closely monitors the patient throughout the day for various lengths of time, intending to phase out prescribed medications while enrolled in this type of program.

Partial hospitalization programs provide addiction treatment through structured, supervised activities and therapies for a specified number of hours per week. PHP is helpful for patients with co-occurring mental health disorders, those who require more intensive levels of care than outpatient treatment can offer, or those who need the motivation factor that a structured program provides in combination with onsite medical treatment. As participation in a PHP helps people overcome addiction and learn coping skills necessary to lead productive lives, PHP should not be confused with detox or inpatient treatment.

Our partial hospitalization program at Anchored Tides Recovery includes a variety of therapies, including: 

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Adventure-based therapy
  • Mindfulness & meditation
  • Trauma resiliency
  • Relapse prevention


Intensive Outpatient

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a step down from inpatient treatment and is the highest level of care that doesn’t involve the client residing at the treatment facility. IOP’s typically consist of meetings three days a week and involve 8-12 weeks of treatment in a half-day format. Group therapy can consist of psycho-education, social skill development, coping skills, relapse prevention education, stress management, relaxation, and art/music therapy. 

IOP’s are available for adults, teens, and children facing a variety of behavioral issues. IOP focuses on drug and alcohol recovery, so the program is perfect for those who may not have the time to attend an inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation program full time. Participants typically attend the entire day or night Monday through Friday to receive their drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Individual therapy may include psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and brief therapies. In addition, IOP’s utilize therapy to primarily continue care for drug and alcohol addiction patients following residential treatment until they’re ready to step down to a lower level of care. 



Outpatient treatment programs are designed to provide the same services as an inpatient program while allowing clients to acclimate to treatment in a less restrictive setting. At Anchored Tides Recovery, our goal is to provide every woman with the addiction treatment she requires. Once someone has cleared any alcohol and drugs from his or her system, the next step is to keep clean. We work to identify what drove the client to addictive behaviors first and then treat the person with these triggers in mind holistically.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment initially designed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, DBT is also effective for people with substance use disorders; the goal of DBT is to balance the urge to use with greater awareness and understanding of one’s situation. This balance helps people establish a healthier relationship with their emotions.

DBT for addiction typically includes the following modules: 

  • Distress Tolerance Skills 
  • Emotion Regulation Skills 
  • Mindfulness Skills
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills 

All of these components are important to be able to manage distress before it becomes overwhelming. In addition, for addictive disorders, learning to tolerate distress is related to managing relapse triggers.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR in addiction, called EMDR-A, integrates various therapeutic approaches for the treatment of addictive behaviors. EMDR-A is a psycho sensory approach that involves exposure to stimuli associated with the traumatic events experienced by persons who are addicted. 

EMDR is an innovative psychotherapy approach that has been shown to help survivors (individuals who have stopped using drugs) manage their negative emotions, thoughts, distressing memories, and stress-related physical experiences related to their substance use disorder. 

Unlike other methods for recovery from addiction, EMDR is proven to be highly effective. The treatment consists of EMDR therapy sessions and different approaches that will help you cope with disturbing memories and associations related to your addiction. This therapy will help you deal with the trauma surrounding your addiction so that you can live a better life without dependence on drugs. In addition, EMDR provides relief from withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and other compulsive behaviors. 


Trauma Support

The trauma support treatment in addiction recovery is a fully and widely integrated support program that addresses all of the individual needs of those with trauma and their families. 

At Anchored Tides Recovery, our trauma support treatment in addiction recovery has a specific emphasis on recognizing and developing the inner strength, power, and resilience of those with trauma. With an open, caring, safe, and confidential atmosphere, our trauma support treatment in addiction recovery provides hope for healing. We specialize in providing a nurturing environment for women that includes our natural detoxification process and providing ongoing individualized therapy as needed to facilitate lasting sobriety.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based practice used to treat addiction and behavioral change. It seeks to help people with substance abuse problems become aware of and change destructive thinking and behavior and facilitate lasting change in their lives. The goals of CBT are to identify and solve the problems of maintaining substance abuse, increase self-control capacity, modify destructive patterns of thinking, reduce stress and anxiety levels, and increase satisfaction with sober living.

For those with co-occurring mental illness, CBT can help address feelings of guilt and shame, family matters, and other behaviors related to co-occurring addiction and mental illness. CBT can be taught, learned, and practiced just like any other skill or habit change. It involves identifying connections between actions, thoughts, feelings and urges. By learning how addiction works, it allows people to view their addiction more objectively. It has been proven to help addicts achieve sobriety.


Therapeutic Group Therapy

Therapeutic Group Therapy in addiction is an innovative and effective substance abuse treatment program that focuses on group interaction. This approach uses group processes as a method for understanding the nature of addiction, teaching communication and social skill development, teaching behavioral skills, increasing self-awareness, and improving self-esteem. It has a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including but not limited to decreasing tension, anxiety, and depression while increasing family and community support. 

The use of groups in this form of treatment allows for sharing experiences from those with similar backgrounds, building camaraderie among peers, and developing realistic plans for change within the drug recovery group. Like in alcohol and other drug treatment, group therapy for addictions, substance abuse treatments, or even food and eating disorders can be very effective. 


Psychoeducational Group Therapy

Psychoeducational group therapy in addiction is one of the services offered by Anchored Tides Recovery that involves mixing clients with similar issues and other individuals who have been on the road to recovery and are now helping others. A professional therapist will be present as a facilitator of the group discussion and leading the members through a series of steps. The aim is to improve the quality of life of those affected by substance abuse by bringing hope, motivation, and practical support for dealing with these issues.

Psychoeducational group therapy in addiction is based on the idea that a group can provide support, education, and other meaningful help to others who share a common problem. It brings people together to work on specific topics, share experiences, and work toward the goals of everyone in the group. The benefits of this type of therapy are numerous. For many people, simply being part of a group is enough to be helpful. Many studies show that psychoeducational group therapy works well for many issues, including drug and alcohol addiction.


Adventure Therapy

Adventure Therapy is a non-traditional healing therapy for those with addictive behaviors. It is a type of experiential therapy where some sessions involve a physical challenge, often an outdoor activity. This adventure-based approach has been used in addiction treatment to help give participants a sense of accomplishment and purpose when they have accomplished something, such as completing their first run/bike/swim/hike. This helps build self-confidence that one can lose from living with addiction/substance use and other mental health issues.

Adventure therapy is becoming an increasingly popular treatment approach to addiction. This type of treatment aims to help people discover their potentials and strengths through physical challenges in the wilderness.


Family Therapy Program

Family may represent the core of the person’s life; addiction can have a devastating effect on the family structure. A great deal of care and support is required to get a person out of an addiction.  Therapy for both the client and his or her family will be necessary so that everyone can live more harmoniously. Without the family and efforts to improve, there would be very high relapse rates, so it is beneficial to get family members involved.

As a result of family therapy sessions, a person learns to reshape his or her life with professional support and family support. In addition, recovery from addiction is much easier when all family members become involved in the process.


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Choosing a Woman-Only Addiction Treatment Center

The services offered by Anchored Tides Recovery give women the privacy and support they need to overcome their obstacles, declare victory over their addictions, and move forward with their lives. Led by a strong circle of positive women role models, these treatment centers focus on teaching women how to live drug-free and lead a healthy lifestyle in a safe environment. As a result, women that choose addiction treatment centers can let go of past issues – without fear of judgment – making it easier for them to find help. 

Pride Month: Celebrating Pride While Sober

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June is LGBTQ Pride Month (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer), and it’s a time for celebrating the LGBTQ community and members of the community who have changed history. The premise of Pride Month is to uplift the voices and culture of the (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender) LGBT community, recognize the impact, historically and currently, and support human rights.

The month of June is relevant because it coincides with the Gay Liberation Movement that was the Stonewall Uprising. On June 28, 1969, police raided The Stonewall Inn, which was a gay bar in Greenwich Village, New York City. The bar patrons fought back, leading to the Stonewall Riots, lasting for days. The Stonewall Inn is now a historic landmark and national monument.

In the United States, There are typically parades, performances, protests, memorials, and celebrations held during this month. The key symbol that represents Pride is the rainbow, and each color has its meaning. You’ll often see the rainbow flag throughout Pride events. This year’s Pride celebrations may be especially lively in many parts of the country because there weren’t opportunities for the major events last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With that being said, there is often a party atmosphere at many Pride events, and if you’re sober, you may find yourself wondering how you can go about celebrating Pride in a way that works for you.


Addiction In the LGBTQ Community

Addiction is, unfortunately, something that disproportionately affects the LGBTQ community. Many factors likely have to lead to this, including social stigma and discrimination. Members of the LGBTQ community are also at a higher risk of being victims of violence and harassment. These are all factors that can be risk factors for behavioral health issues like drug or alcohol abuse or addiction. Many sexual minorities use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate because of what they face in society and their daily lives. They may also have co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety.

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According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, patterns of substance abuse reported by sexual minorities are higher than what’s reported by heterosexual adults. There are treatment programs that specialize in the needs of the LGBTQ community. When someone with a substance use disorder receives specialized treatment, outcomes tend to be better for them. These treatment programs can address the issues specific to this population, including violence, social isolation, problems with their families, and homophobia and transphobia.


Tips for Celebrating Pride If You’re Sober

If you are sober, whether because you’ve gone to treatment for a substance use disorder or it’s just something you choose for yourself, luckily, there are great ways to celebrate. The following are some ideas for celebrating Pride month if you’re sober but want a memorable experience.


Host a Sober Event

Pride doesn’t just have to be about going to other events; you can have your own with a circle of people you trust and feel comfortable with and make it a sober event. You can have fun with it—have a contest to see who makes the best mocktails. Remember that what you’re doing is creating memories that you won’t forget.


Have a Support System

No matter where you are in your sobriety journey, having a support system is critical. This is also important for your overall mental health. If you’re sober while celebrating Pride month, don’t be afraid to open up to your support system and tell them how you’re feeling. It’s okay to feel like you’re struggling a bit. If possible, bringing a friend with you who is also sober to different events is a great way to stay accountable. When you bring a sober friend, it can help you work through the situations where you might feel most vulnerable or triggered.


Avoid Your Triggers When Possible

It may be that you participate in some Pride month events, but maybe not all of them if you feel like they could be triggering for you. That’s okay, and your boundaries are essential to maintain no matter what. If you’re in a situation and feel like you’re facing triggers, have an exit strategy. Be ready to get away from a situation if you don’t feel comfortable, and go somewhere that you feel safer.


Go To Meetings

If you usually attend AA or NA meetings during Pride month, make sure that you keep up with those. You might be distracted by other things, Screen Shot 2021 06 22 at 18.01.19 198x300 1but that’s often the most critical time to go to meetings. If you’re not in a 12-step program, maybe you check in with your counselor or do anything that’s going to help you stay on track, even when it’s challenging.


Take Pride in your Sobriety

Pop culture tends to paint Pride mostly about the party, and that’s not the reality. It’s a necessary time to celebrate who you are and the history of the LGBTQ community.

Addiction does not discriminate, and neither does Anchored Tides Recovery we believe everybody deserves to be loved and to live a happy life free of substance abuse, no matter what. Our aftercare programs and services create a safe environment for women to heal, call today and come build up your support system.  

8 Steps to a Happy Life

steps to a Happy Life

steps to a Happy Life


Did you know you are worth a happy life? Everybody deserves to be happy and in good mental health, but this may seem impossible for someone with chronic drug addiction. Taking steps to a happy life can be a real challenge if you also are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. However, anyone battling addiction can overcome their struggles by using the right tools and knowing their self-worth. Regardless of how you have fallen into the drug addiction trap, you can recover.

You can be happy living a life free from drug addiction by being understanding, loving, and compassionate. Whether you have been in recovery for years or are just starting on your journey, here are eight steps to a happy life that can help you become the person you were meant to be. 


8 Steps to a Happy Life 

1. Eat a Balanced Healthy Diet

Healthy eating is part of a balanced recovery plan. It not only helps your body repair itself after a time of abusing alcohol and drugs, but it also helps keep your body healthy so you can remain abstinent. The recovery process is a long journey. Make it easier on yourself by eating lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and of course, plenty of water. 


2. Exercise Regularly

If you want to eat healthier, sleep better, and rise more refreshed in the morning, regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can help Screen Shot 2021 06 18 at 19.16.47 200x300 1curb cravings, reduce stress, and give you higher energy levels. A few adjustments to diet and exercise can help lead the way to success. You won’t regret spending time exercising regularly.


3. Practice Mindfulness

Research shows that mindfulness can help people recover from addiction by overcoming negative feelings of guilt, anxiety, self-doubt, and stress. Mindfulness can also help people stay on track when they experience temptation. Meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, and other activities that can help you take an honest inventory of your journey toward sobriety will set the stage for a brighter future.


4. Explore New Hobbies

Life is full of activities that could spark great feelings within you. Do your part to discover new hobbies to replace harmful old hobbies. You don’t even need to spend money, try to take up a new sport or activity that you think is interesting. 

Positive hobbies can help you form friendships with positive role models. Examples of hobbies that are proven to help people feel happier and be helpful in the early stages of recovery are: 

  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Scrapbooking
  • Journaling
  • Hiking
  • Knitting
  • Painting


5. Learn Stress Management Techniques

Good mental health is a work in progress, and living a happier life doesn’t always come easily. It’s crucial to have a plan in place, when you’re feeling stressed or have negative thoughts, to reduce the risk of relapse and cope with your negative emotions. Many recovering addicts use a technique called HALT. HALT refers to the following four situations that can lead to relapse: 

  • Hungry 
  • Angry 
  • Lonely
  • Tired 

It’s also a good reminder when you’re feeling any of these things to take care of yourself, not to experience stress overload. 


6. Make a Daily Schedule and Stick to it

Daily habits have a significant impact on your overall productivity. When you know what needs to get done, making a schedule for your day is an easy way to get it all done. From squeezing in extra time to work out to manage your time away from work and school, a good schedule regularly has a profound, positive effect on your life. 


7. Use Self-Love Affirmations

Learning to love again after experiencing trauma can be difficult, especially when you’re learning to love yourself. Positive affirmations for self love are a great way to remind yourself of your worth. When you’re feeling down, recovery affirmations can go a long way in lifting your spirits, try to use this tool at least two times a day. Some examples of affirmations are: 

  • I am strong enough to choose sobriety; 
  • My recovery is working; 
  • I have what I need inside me to get sober; 
  • I am filled with love; 
  • I am stronger than my addiction.

8. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Addiction is a powerful force, so choosing your friends wisely is an essential part of recovery. During the first years of sobriety, it’s best to surround yourself with positive and supportive people—people who will help you stay motivated on your journey. Even if they aren’t around you all the time, they will be there for you during challenges and hard times.


Leading a Happy Life is a Choice you Make

The most important thing you can do for yourself is to choose to live a happy life. Life is filled with millions of choices, but yours will ultimately determine how comfortable you are. Happiness is not the outcome of a good or bad situation but rather the result of our reactions toward negative or positive events. 

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To lead a happier life, keep your thoughts and feelings in check, practice self-love, and find happiness in the small things surrounding your everyday life. Having positive thoughts about yourself can help you feel good and fulfilled.

Despite alcohol or drug addiction, you are worthy of love and happy life. You are welcome here at Anchor Tides recovery Center for a better way of life. We offer the most comprehensive outpatient treatment programs for alcoholism and drug addiction in one location. We emphasize early intervention and education to create lasting recovery results.

Our holistic approach to substance abuse recovery includes individualized treatments, eating disorders assessment, holistic therapies, recreation programs, and support groups. Please share our goal of helping you find your happiness through sobriety and call us at 1-866-753-5865 and choose to stop your cycle of addiction.

Relationships in Therapy:

relationships in therapy

The relationships in therapy is extremely important. Rehab can be an intense experience; it’s natural to bond with others during your stay in an addiction treatment facility for drug or alcohol abuse. In a support group, you may find yourself empathizing with others’ stories or relating to them better than you did before. While it is acceptable and even encouraged, to make friends in rehab, is it ever okay to start a romantic relationship in therapy? 


Dating In Recovery

If you have ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may have formed unhealthy relationships during that time — and lost them or given them up as you became sober, relationships beyond friends and family members also. The early period of recovery can be lonely as you try to rebuild your life. But is it a good idea to pursue dating while you are getting sober?

For most residential treatment programs, the answer is no

Many rehab programs have a policy in place against finding a romantic partner in your treatment center. It can be complicated to date someone in the early stages of recovery, even if they are also getting sober from drug or alcohol abuse. 

couple sitting with their backs to the camera

Alcoholics Anonymous and its sibling program Narcotics Anonymous also stand against dating in the early days of recovery. Because drug and alcohol abuse warp our perception of the world around us, AA believes that it is essential for us to regain a good understanding of who we are — and what we are looking for in a relationship — before starting to date again.


The Risks Of Dating Early In Recovery

You might think that policies against dating someone in treatment are a bit extreme. There can even be benefits to dating someone who is also in recovery since they understand, more intimately than most, what you are going through. 

But there’s a big difference between dating someone when you have been sober for many years and dating someone in the early stages of recovery. This difference can make it problematic or even dangerous to get into a relationship during your time in rehab.

Another reason why many drug and alcohol treatment programs do not allow participants to date one another is the risk of codependency. You might replace your addiction to drugs or alcohol with a “relationship addiction” instead. 

Once you are romance addicted, there are many more issues you have to face. Relationship problems, mental health problems, and more. You may soon find yourself in couples therapy, as well as individual therapy, and drug and alcohol counseling

Rushing into a relationship too early in your recovery can lead to becoming overly dependent on your partner’s affection for your self-esteem. You might also make excuses for your partner’s bad behavior, even when the relationship becomes abusive. In some cases, this practice may even enable you or your partner to relapse into drug or alcohol abuse again.

It’s important to go into any romantic relationship as the best version of yourself. You want to be with a partner who understands and accepts your flaws. For someone in recovery, it is imperative to date someone supportive of your long-term sobriety. However, you also need to make sure you are fully healed from the issues that led to your substance abuse before seeking a critical relationship — especially if you want a healthy relationship that will last.


Consequences of Dating During Rehab

Dating too early in your recovery from drug or alcohol abuse can sabotage your healing process. You might develop codependency, or “relationship addiction,” which can lead you to relapse or find yourself in an abusive relationship. Both of these conditions can make it more challenging to recover from substance abuse.

You might also face severe consequences while seeking treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. Since most treatment programs have rules against dating fellow participants in rehab, there can be repercussions for breaking these rules. One study found that 8% of participants were expelled from rehab programs for dating others in their treatment facility.

Most importantly, relationships in therapy and in the early stages of recovery can distract you from what matters: getting better. Your sobriety requires your full attention and effort, especially in the early days. Relationships can be a distraction, either purposefully or incidentally, that makes it more challenging to focus on yourself and heal from the wounds that led to your substance abuse.


Likewise, you want to make sure you can give a romantic relationship your total effort and attention. If you or your partner are trying to get sober, you cannot provide the relationship your best shot. That does not mean you necessarily need to end your relationship if you were in one before deciding to get sober. Still, you might find that the relationships you had during your substance abuse no longer serve you in your sobriety.


When Can I Date Again?

Relationships in therapy are rarely advised. However, romantic relationships are an essential part of the human experience, and many of us dream of finding a supportive partner to spend our life with. If this sounds like you, you might be wondering when it is okay to start dating again during your sobriety. How will you know when you are ready to start dating again?

The most important thing is that you are secure in your sobriety before you begin dating again. You need to prioritize getting sober over finding a romantic relationship, especially in the early days of recovery. It isn’t fair to you or your partner if you are still at a high risk of relapse. After all, if you have abused substances in the past, you have probably experienced how substance abuse can easily ruin a relationship.

Likewise, you want to ensure that relationship troubles will not derail your recovery if you have an intense emotional experience related to dating, such as a breakup. You need to ensure you have other coping mechanisms to deal with relationship conflict besides turning to drugs or alcohol. These are skills you will learn during rehab.

Because of the rules against dating during rehab, at the very least, you should wait until you are discharged from a rehab program before beginning to date again. For practical reasons, you might also want to wait until you feel equipped to live on your own again. For example, it might be uncomfortable to bring a date back to your place if you live in a shared sober living facility!

Ultimately, you can’t have a healthy relationship if one or both partners are unhealthy. When you are dealing with substance abuse, you are coping with a disease. Like any disease, it needs to be fully treated before you can show up as your best self again. If you want a relationship that will last — and be supportive of your recovery — you should wait until you feel secure in yourself, your communication skills, and your sobriety before beginning to date again.

Following The Principle of Love

Love Languages

Being loved is one of the most basic human needs. This fundamental truth is the starting point of understanding the root of many psychological problems that we face both as teenagers and adults. In many cases, it is also closely connected to why some people fall into addiction traps more easily than others. We all crave love languages. We all want to feel safe, admired, cared for, and when this basic need is not being met for a very long time, it causes several behavioral problems that affect a healthy, fulfilling life.

Love fills you with warm feelings of happiness, joy, belonging, safety, hope, positive energy, enthusiasm. When we lack all those elements in our daily lives, we begin to search for alternative solutions and get those feelings from artificial sources such as drugs or alcohol.


The Importance of Love Languages

Everything starts INSIDE you. This philosophy is probably one of the most important statements to understand and fully absorb. Without self-acceptance and self-love, you will never achieve true happiness and won’t form a healthy, stable relationship with another person.

The first step to self-love is understanding who you are. It’s crucial to fully get to know yourself and accept all your flaws and imperfections. Nobody is perfect. We all struggle with our insecurities, bad habits, and things we would like to improve, and that applies to both our personality and physical appearance. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you navigate life and accept yourself for who you truly are—a valuable human being full of unique capabilities. 

Self-love is not easy. So many times, we wish we were different. Slimmer, more pretty, stronger, more intelligent, talented, and the list goes on. We see people on TV or social media platforms who seem to have perfect lives and perfect families, and we feel like such failures trying to keep up with our own lives where so many things sometimes fall apart. And that’s precisely why loving yourself first is the starting point to everything else. Once you accept who you are, nothing from the outside world can threaten your confidence or identity.

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The Process

Self-love doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a complex and often time-consuming process where you will encounter several ups and downs. But keep going and keep pushing. It’s worth it. 

Once you establish a confident and secure relationship with yourself, nobody will be able to take that away from you. 

The process of acceptance and self-care is based on a solid belief that you are worth a good life. One without limitations caused by addition, without guilt, and without the vicious circle of trying to break the substance abuse and going back to it in the moment of weakness. You will begin to develop a new you: stronger, more confident, and worth not only yours but another person’s love as well.


Love Languages

The concept of love languages (5 different ways of expressing and receiving love) was developed by Dr. Gary Chapman, a Southern Baptist pastor, and introduced in his 1992 book aimed mainly at married Christian couples. “The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate” has sold over 11 million copies in English and translated into 49 other languages.

Let’s have a closer look at this interesting concept. According to Gary Chapman, five universal love languages get used by all people. However, a person will usually relate to one primary love language:

  • Words of Affirmation 
  • Quality Time
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical Touch

All five languages are important and express love in their way. A healthy relationship would use a mix of those languages making sure that none of them is missing.

Since we are talking about self-love as the foundation of all other relationships and the key to establishing good mental health and fulfilling life. it is worth noticing that we can also apply love languages to other people and ourselves.


Let’s see a couple of examples below.

If you want to establish a positive relationship with yourself, you should have a couple of daily affirmations to make you feel confident and good about yourself. A simple but effective task to try is to find something that you like about yourself. Focus on that feature every time you see yourself in the mirror. 

Have something uplifting written in your bedroom; a little reminder to have a great day every single morning when you wake up. You will be surprised how valuable those little things can be if repeated regularly.

Quality time and receiving gifts are all about treating yourself how you would like to be treated. Make sure you get enough rest, meditate, take an hour or so every day, and spend it doing what you genuinely enjoy. When you are stressed and tired, you won’t see anything (including yourself) in a good light.

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Physical touch is an essential element of your relationship with your body. Learn to listen to what it needs and focus on all aspects that you like about yourself. Take care of your mind and body by exercising a couple of times per week and spending enough time outdoors.


Loving Your Life

If you are not happy with your life circumstances, you will keep looking for various ways to escape reality. This process can be gradual and includes several coping mechanisms, one of them being substance abuse.

To feel good and forget about your daily problems, you start searching for substances and behaviors that give you the feelings of joy, excitement, or quite the opposite—the feeling of peace, calmness, to the point of being numb and not feeling or thinking anything at all.

Once you discover that you can get those states of mind simply by using a particular drug, it’s tough to stop the vicious circle and break the forming addiction. 

Meditation, relaxation techniques, and daily exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle; they provide natural ways to control your emotions, keep you balanced, and get rid of accumulated negative energy or stress.


How to learn to love your life?

The first big step is acceptance and responsibility. Then you will slowly learn how to like it. Step by step. Put enough effort and energy into working on a positive mindset and keep improving your circumstances one day. 

You will get into a very blissful state of loving your life, with all its challenges and imperfections.

Just like everything else, it’s a process and for sure not an easy one. The reward at the end of this journey is worth it, though—it’s a peaceful, healthy life where you are in control of both your body and mind and you don’t need to rely on any substances to make you feel good. 

There will be no constant need to escape, no guilt, hate, sadness, or despair. It’s a beautiful state of confidence and balance, and with a strong belief that you can get there one day, nothing can stop you. There is a fascinating theory saying that love is already inside us. All we need to do is awaken it. Start this journey today. Small steps, choosing love every single day and discovering the inner strength that you didn’t even know existed. You can do it.


A Place for Women to Heal

Anchored Tides Recovery is an outpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility that is by women, for women. We believe creating this gender-specific environment allows an optimal opportunity for growth. Come create your support group of peers and see how much better can be when you’re sober and being lifted up by other women. Contact us today for a free consultation.