Types of Therapy for Addiction Treatment

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When it comes to addiction treatment, it’s easy to feel unsure about what lies ahead. The good news is, you’re not alone on this journey. Our warm and welcoming community is here to share valuable insights into the different therapies that can be part of your recovery process.

What Is Therapy?

Therapy, in the world of addiction treatment, is like having a helpful friend by your side. It’s a special process where you talk with a trained person who knows a lot about addiction and how to overcome it.

Here’s what therapy is all about:

  • A Safe and Private Place: In therapy, you get to share your thoughts and feelings without worrying about anyone judging you. It’s like a secret space just for you.
  • Talking with a Pro: The person you talk to is a pro at helping people with addiction. They use what they know to guide you through the ups and downs of recovery.
  • Personal Help: No two people are the same, and therapy understands that. It’s all about helping you personally, based on your own needs and goals.
  • Emotional Support: Addiction can be tough on your emotions. Therapy gives you someone to lean on, who gets what you’re going through. They’re there to listen and help you feel better.
  • Learning Useful Skills: Think of therapy as your training ground for dealing with cravings, staying away from things that tempt you, and avoiding a relapse. It’s like learning super useful life skills.
  • Getting to Know Yourself: Through therapy, you get to understand why you do what you do. It’s like looking in a mirror and discovering things about yourself you didn’t know before.
  • Getting Stronger: Therapy helps you become stronger. It teaches you how to handle tough situations without turning to drugs or alcohol. It’s like building up your superpowers.
  • Looking at the Big Picture: Some types of therapy consider everything about you – your body, mind, and even your spirit. It’s about making your whole life better.

7 Types Of Therapy Offered For Addiction Treatment

1. Individual Therapy

Individual therapy, also known as one-on-one counseling, is a fundamental component of addiction treatment. In this therapy, a trained therapist works with an individual to explore the underlying causes of their addiction and develop coping strategies. Some widely used therapeutic approaches in individual therapy include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with addiction.
  • Dialectical-Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT combines cognitive and behavioral strategies with mindfulness techniques to enhance emotional regulation.
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI): MI is a collaborative approach that focuses on increasing an individual’s motivation to change their addictive behaviors.

2. Group Therapy

Group therapy involves individuals with similar addiction issues coming together to share their experiences, offer support, and learn from one another. It provides a sense of community and reduces isolation. Common types of group therapy include:

  • Psychoeducation Groups: These groups provide education about addiction and teach individuals about its effects on their physical and mental health.
  • Process Groups: Process groups encourage participants to discuss their emotions, struggles, and progress in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Relapse Prevention Groups: These groups help individuals develop skills and strategies to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.

3. Family Therapy

Addiction often impacts not only the individual but also their family members. Family therapy aims to heal and strengthen family relationships by addressing communication issues, setting boundaries, and providing education about addiction. It helps both the addicted individual and their loved ones understand and support each other in the recovery process.

4. Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies take a holistic approach to addiction treatment by addressing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual. Some common holistic therapies include:

  • Yoga: Yoga promotes physical fitness, relaxation, and stress reduction.
  • Meditation: Meditation helps individuals develop mindfulness and emotional regulation skills.
  • Art Therapy: Art therapy provides a creative outlet for self-expression and healing.

5. 12-Step Programs

The 12-step program model, popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), is widely used in addiction treatment. These programs offer structured steps and
peer support to guide individuals on their journey to recovery. They emphasize personal accountability, spirituality, and lifelong sobriety.

6. Mindfulness-Based Therapies

Mindfulness-based therapies, like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), teach individuals to stay present in the moment, manage cravings, and reduce stress. These practices enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation, helping individuals cope with addiction triggers more effectively.

7. Trauma-Informed Care

Many individuals with addiction have experienced trauma in their lives. Trauma-informed care acknowledges these experiences and provides a safe space for healing. Therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are used to address past trauma and its impact on addiction.

Start Your Recovery Journey

If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to Anchored Tides Recovery. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping women overcome addiction and rediscover a life of purpose and fulfillment. Contact us today to take the first step towards recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What types of addiction do you treat at Anchored Tides Recovery?

We specialize in treating various substance addictions, including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and prescription medications.

How long is the typical treatment program at your center?

The duration of the program varies depending on individual needs but typically ranges from 30 to 90 days.

Is insurance accepted at Anchored Tides Recovery?

Yes, we accept most major insurance plans. Contact our admissions team for detailed information about insurance coverage.

Are visitors allowed during the treatment program?

To ensure a focused and supportive environment, visitors are limited during the initial stages of treatment. Family involvement is encouraged through family therapy sessions.

Do you offer aftercare and relapse prevention support?

Yes, we provide comprehensive aftercare programs and relapse prevention strategies to support our clients in maintaining their sobriety after completing the program.

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we are committed to helping women transform their lives and break free from the cycle of addiction. Reach out to us today and embark on your journey to recovery with confidence and hope.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

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Do you find yourself constantly measuring your worth by comparing yourself to others? At Anchored Tides Recovery, a reputable Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Women in Huntington Beach, CA, we understand the profound impact this habit can have on your mental and emotional well-being. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deeper into the concept of comparison, explore its implications, and provide you with evidence-based strategies to overcome it.

Understanding the Dangers of Comparison

Comparison can be insidious, affecting various aspects of your life in subtle but significant ways:

  • Low Self-Esteem: A study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that frequent social comparisons are linked to lower self-esteem.
  • Anxiety and Depression: According to the World Health Organization, individuals who habitually engage in social comparison are at a higher risk of developing anxiety and depression.
  • Impaired Relationships: The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships highlights that constant comparison can strain relationships, fostering feelings of jealousy and resentment.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

To break free from the shackles of comparison, start by embracing your uniqueness:

  • Self-Reflection: Spend time in introspection, identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and personal achievements.
  • Gratitude: Research published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences reveals that cultivating gratitude for your unique qualities and life experiences can enhance your overall well-being.
  • Focus on Self-Improvement: Shift your focus from others to self-improvement, setting personal goals and celebrating your progress. The Journal of Positive Psychology suggests that pursuing personal goals can increase life satisfaction.

Limit Social Media Exposure

In our digital age, social media can be a breeding ground for comparison:

  • Filter Your Feed: According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 37% of social media users report having taken a break from platforms due to negative feelings stemming from comparisons. Unfollow accounts that trigger negative comparisons to cultivate a more positive online environment.
  • Mindful Usage: Be mindful of your social media usage, recognizing that people often only share their highlight reels. A survey by the Royal Society for Public Health found that platforms like Instagram have a negative impact on mental health and well-being.
  • Real vs. Virtual: Remember that what you see online isn’t always a reflection of reality. A study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior highlights that social media can distort perceptions of others’ lives.

Seek Support and Guidance

Breaking free from the comparison trap may require external support:

  • Therapy: Consider therapy or counseling to work through deeper issues related to self-worth and comparison. Research published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that therapy can be effective in improving self-esteem and mental health.
  • Support Groups: Joining support groups where you can share experiences and coping strategies with others facing similar challenges can provide valuable emotional support.
  • Lean on Friends and Family: Opening up to trusted loved ones who can provide emotional support can be immensely helpful in your journey towards self-acceptance.

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is a powerful tool in overcoming comparison:

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you extend to others. A study published in the journal Self and Identity found that self-compassion is positively associated with psychological well-being.
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you catch yourself comparing, challenge those negative thoughts with self-compassionate ones. The Journal of Happiness Studies indicates that self-compassion is linked to greater life satisfaction.
  • Affirmations: Create positive affirmations to boost your self-esteem and self-worth. Research published in the journal Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine shows that positive affirmations can improve self-esteem.

Anchored Tides Recovery is Here to Help

At Anchored Tides Recovery, our mission is to support women like you in overcoming addiction and the destructive habit of comparison. Our specialized programs, experienced staff, and commitment to personalized care set us apart. Don’t let comparison hold you back any longer; take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.

Call Anchored Tides Recovery Today!

Contact us today and visit our website to learn more about our comprehensive rehabilitation programs and how we can help you overcome addiction and the harmful habit of comparison.


Is Anchored Tides Recovery exclusively for women in Huntington Beach?

Anchored Tides Recovery is open to women from all over the United States who are seeking recovery and personal growth.

What types of addiction do you treat?

While our primary focus is on drug and alcohol addiction, our holistic approach also addresses underlying issues contributing to addiction.

Do you offer virtual therapy sessions?

Yes, we provide virtual therapy sessions for individuals who may not be able to attend in person.

What sets Anchored Tides Recovery apart from other rehabilitation centers?

Our women-centered approach, highly experienced team, and unwavering commitment to providing personalized care make us unique.

How can I get started with Anchored Tides Recovery?

You can take the first step toward recovery by contacting us through our website to discuss your specific needs and available options.

Holiday Stress-Management Tips for Young Adults

Holiday Stress Management Tips for Young Adults img 300x218 jpgThe holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, family gatherings, and celebration. However, for many young adults, this time of year can also bring about significant stress and anxiety. This stress can be particularly challenging for those who are in recovery from substance abuse. At Anchored Tides Recovery in Huntington Beach, CA, we recognize the unique challenges that young adults face during the holiday season. In this article, we delve deeper into holiday stress and provide comprehensive stress-management tips backed by research and expert guidance to help you navigate this season with resilience and find the support you need.

Understanding the Holiday Stress

Before we explore stress-management strategies, it’s essential to understand the factors that contribute to holiday stress among young adults:

  1. Social Expectations: Young adults often feel pressure to meet social expectations during the holidays. This can include attending parties where alcohol or drugs may be present, which can trigger cravings or temptations.
  2. Family Dynamics: Family gatherings can sometimes bring about complex family dynamics, unresolved conflicts, or strained relationships, leading to emotional distress.
  3. Financial Strain: The holidays can place a significant financial burden on young adults, especially those who are starting their careers or are in recovery. The stress of gift-giving and financial obligations can be overwhelming.
  4. Loneliness: For some young adults, the holidays can intensify feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially if they are away from their families or have recently completed a substance abuse treatment program.

Research-Backed Stress-Management Tips

Now, let’s explore research-backed stress-management tips for young adults during the holiday season:

1. Prioritize Self-Care

Research has shown that self-care is essential for managing stress. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being:

  • Practice mindfulness meditation daily to reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.
  • Regular exercise releases endorphins, which can help alleviate stress and improve mood.
  • Adequate sleep is crucial for managing stress, so maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Consider treating yourself to a spa day or practicing deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

Research indicates that unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and increased stress. Instead, set realistic expectations for yourself and the holiday season:

  • Prioritize self-compassion and remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect.
  • Communicate openly with loved ones about your limitations and boundaries.
  • Focus on creating meaningful experiences rather than striving for perfection.

3. Establish Boundaries

Numerous studies highlight the importance of setting boundaries to protect one’s mental and emotional well-being. Communicate your needs and boundaries effectively:

  • Clearly communicate your sobriety goals to friends and family members.
  • Politely decline invitations or situations that may compromise your recovery.
  • Surround yourself with individuals who support your journey and respect your boundaries.

4. Reach Out for Support

Research consistently demonstrates the positive impact of social support on mental health. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support:

  • Connect with your support network, including friends, family, or a therapist, during this season.
  • Consider attending support groups or seeking professional counseling if needed.
  • Anchored Tides Recovery offers tailored support for young adults in recovery during the holiday season.

5. Plan Sober Activities

Research shows that engaging in positive, alcohol-free activities can enhance emotional well-being. Plan sober alternatives:

  • Explore local holiday events, cultural activities, or volunteering opportunities.
  • Participate in creative workshops, outdoor adventures, or fitness classes.
  • Surrounding yourself with supportive, sober peers can make the holidays more enjoyable.

Get Help with Anchored Tides Recovery Today!

This holiday season, empower yourself with research-backed strategies and expert guidance to navigate stress successfully. Anchored Tides Recovery is here to support you on your journey to a happy, healthy, and sober holiday season. If you’re struggling with holiday stress or need support during this season, contact Anchored Tides Recovery in Huntington Beach, CA. We’re here to help you thrive during the holidays and beyond. Contact us today to discover the strength within you.


What percentage of young adults experience holiday stress?

Studies suggest that around 70% of young adults report experiencing holiday-related stress to some degree.

Are there specific triggers for relapse during the holidays?

Yes, triggers can include exposure to alcohol or drugs, family conflict, financial stress, and loneliness.

How can professional counseling help young adults during the holidays?

Counseling can provide coping strategies, emotional support, and a safe space to address holiday-related stressors.

Is there a correlation between holiday stress and mental health issues among young adults?

Research indicates that high levels of holiday stress can exacerbate underlying mental health issues in young adults.

Are there any community resources for young adults dealing with holiday stress?

Many communities offer support groups, hotlines, and counseling services for young adults facing holiday stress. Anchored Tides Recovery also provides specialized support.

Journaling in Recovery: Does it Help?



If you’re on the path to recovery from addiction or mental health challenges, you may have heard about the therapeutic benefits of journaling. Journaling is more than just putting pen to paper; it can be a powerful tool that enhances your healing process. In this article, we’ll explore journaling and how it can be a valuable asset on your recovery journey.

Why Journaling Matters in Recovery

Recovery is a unique and deeply personal journey, and journaling can be a game-changer for many women. Here’s why:

  • Self-Reflection: Journaling provides a safe space for self-reflection, helping you gain insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  • Emotional Release: Writing down your feelings can be cathartic, allowing you to release pent-up emotions and reduce stress.
  • Accountability: Keeping a journal can help you track your progress, set goals, and hold yourself accountable for your actions.
  • Identifying Triggers: By recording your experiences, you can identify triggers and patterns that may contribute to your addiction or mental health challenges.

Getting Started with Journaling

Now that you understand the significance of journaling, here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • Choose a Journal: Find a journal that speaks to you. It could be a simple notebook or a beautifully designed diary.
  • Set Aside Time: Dedicate a specific time each day to journal. It could be in the morning, during breaks, or before bedtime.
  • Write Freely: Don’t worry about grammar or structure. Write freely and let your thoughts flow.
  • Explore Different Styles: Experiment with various journaling styles, such as gratitude journaling, stream of consciousness, or creative writing.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Journaling

Journaling goes beyond pen and paper; it can significantly impact your recovery:

  • Stress Reduction: Expressing your feelings on paper can reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  • Improved Mental Health: Studies have shown that journaling can enhance mental well-being, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Journaling helps you become more self-aware, leading to healthier decision-making.
  • Healthy Coping Mechanism: It provides a healthy outlet for processing difficult emotions, preventing relapse.

Your Journaling Journey at Anchored Tides Recovery

At Anchored Tides Recovery in Huntington Beach, CA, we understand the vital role journaling plays in women’s recovery. Our program is designed specifically for women, by women, and we embrace journaling as a therapeutic tool to empower our clients. Our supportive environment and expert guidance ensure you get the most out of your journaling journey.

Start Your Healing Journey with Anchored Tides Recovery Today!

Are you ready to harness the power of journaling in your recovery journey? At Anchored Tides Recovery, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive dual-diagnosis enhanced rehab program designed specifically for women, by women, in Huntington Beach, CA.


Can anyone benefit from journaling in their recovery journey?

Absolutely! Journaling is a versatile tool that can benefit individuals in various stages of recovery.

Do I need to be a skilled writer to start journaling?

Not at all. Journaling is about self-expression, not perfection. You don’t need to be a skilled writer to experience its benefits.

How can I stay motivated to journal regularly?

Setting a routine, finding a comfortable space, and choosing topics that resonate with you can help maintain your journaling habit.

Are there specific journaling techniques recommended for recovery?

Different techniques, such as gratitude journaling, mindfulness journaling, and expressive writing, can be effective. Experiment to find what works best for you.

Can journaling replace therapy or counseling in recovery?

Journaling can be a valuable complement to therapy and counseling, but it is not a substitute for professional help when needed. It can enhance your healing process when used alongside therapeutic support.

Coping with Relapse: 4 Quick Tips

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The Reality of Relapse

One of the topics often shrouded in shame but critically important to discuss is coping with relapse. Today our Anchored Tides Recovery team will explore practical tips to help you manage and overcome setbacks in your recovery journey.

Understanding Relapse: It’s Not the End

The first thing to understand about relapse is that it’s not an uncommon part of the recovery journey. Relapse doesn’t mean failure; it means you’re human. What’s crucial is how you cope with it:

  • Reassess: Take time to understand what triggered the relapse.
  • Reach Out: Contact your support network immediately.
  • Recommit: Strengthen your commitment to sobriety.

The Designation: Defining ‘Relapse’

In addiction recovery terminology, “relapse” often carries heavy weight and may seem like a step backward. However, at Anchored Tides Recovery, we view relapse as a detour, not a dead-end. Understanding the term in this light can remove some of its stigmatizing impact and make it easier to focus on getting back on track.

Tips for Coping with Relapse:

1. Own Your Mistake

Accept that you’ve had a setback. Denial won’t help; owning your mistake will.

2. Seek Professional Help

Whether it’s returning to treatment, going to a meeting, or scheduling an emergency session with your counselor, seek professional guidance as soon as possible.

3. Revisit Your Recovery Plan

Perhaps you need more support, different coping mechanisms, or even a new treatment approach.

4. Forgive Yourself

Guilt and shame can exacerbate your situation; forgiveness will lighten your emotional load.

Your Journey Isn’t Over

If you’ve experienced a relapse, it’s vital to remember that your journey isn’t over. Coping with relapse is a skill that can be honed, and with the right support and tools, you can navigate this setback successfully. Recovery is a long road with ups and downs, but each challenge is an opportunity for growth.

For more personalized support and resources for coping with relapse, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Anchored Tides Recovery. We are here to support you every step of the way.


1. Is Relapse a Sign of Failure?

No, relapse is not a sign of failure. It’s a common part of the recovery journey that many people experience. The key is how you cope and learn from it.

2. Should I Return to Treatment After a Relapse?

It depends on the severity and circumstances of your relapse. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice tailored to your situation.

3. How Can I Prevent Future Relapses?

Prevention involves a combination of strategies, including maintaining a strong support network, adhering to your treatment plan, and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

4. Are There Programs at Anchored Tides Recovery Specifically for Those Who Have Relapsed?

Yes, we offer various programs tailored to meet individual needs, including those who have experienced relapse. Our holistic approach provides the tools you need to cope effectively and get back on the path to recovery.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information and personalized guidance. Your journey to recovery is ours too.


Addiction Recovery: The Importance of Sharing Your Story

Drug Detox

The Power of Your Story

At Anchored Tides Recovery we encourage empowerment and healing on your path to recovery. One of the most potent tools in your recovery journey is sharing your story about addiction recovery. Today, we’ll explore why this can be transformative not just for you, but for others as well.

Why Sharing Your Story Matters

The struggle with addiction is often shrouded in shame and secrecy, making it challenging for many to speak openly. However, sharing your story breaks down these barriers, offering several benefits:

  • Eradicates Stigma: Open conversations can help dispel the myths surrounding addiction.
  • Inspires Others: Your story could be the push someone needs to seek help.
  • Promotes Healing: Vocalizing your experience can offer emotional relief and even speed up your healing process.

How Sharing Impacts You Personally

The act of sharing isn’t just for the listener; it’s also a powerful tool for the storyteller. Here’s how it benefits you:

  1. Accountability: Saying it out loud makes your journey more real and holds you accountable.
  2. Reflection: Talking about your experiences provides a new perspective and may reveal insights you hadn’t considered.
  3. Community: Sharing often invites others to do the same, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Ways to Share Your Story Safely

While sharing is beneficial, it’s important to do it in a way that’s comfortable for you. Some methods include:

  • One-on-One Conversations: With close family or friends.
  • Support Groups: Like the ones offered at Anchored Tides Recovery.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Facebook or dedicated recovery forums can offer anonymity if preferred.
  • Writing: A blog or an article can also be therapeutic and far-reaching.

The Designation and Its Importance

The term “addict” is often seen in a negative light. However, at Anchored Tides Recovery, we understand that this designation doesn’t define you. It’s a part of your past, not your future. Sharing your story as someone who has struggled with addiction offers you a unique position to effect meaningful change.

Your Story Is Your Strength

The importance of sharing your story about addiction recovery cannot be overstated. It’s a bold step toward personal growth and offers a lifeline to others who are facing similar challenges. You’re never alone in this journey, and your story is a testament to your strength and resilience. Let’s break the cycle of silence and stigma together.

For more guidance on how to share your story or to find a supportive community, reach out to us at Anchored Tides Recovery. We’re here to listen and help. Founded by women, for women.


1. Is it Necessary to Share My Story Publicly?

No, sharing your story is a personal choice and can be done in various settings that you are comfortable with—be it privately with a trusted friend or family member, in a support group, or even anonymously online.

2. Will Sharing My Story Trigger Relapse?

While sharing can be therapeutic, it can also stir up emotions. It’s important to evaluate your emotional state and consult with your healthcare provider or counselor before deciding to share your story.

3. What Should I Include in My Story?

The details you choose to include are entirely up to you. Some people discuss the challenges they faced, the turning points in their journey, and the successes they’ve achieved. Others focus on what they’ve learned and how they’ve grown.

4. How Does Anchored Tides Recovery Support the Sharing of Stories?

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we offer a supportive environment where sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. We provide group therapies and one-on-one counseling sessions where you can choose to share your story as part of your recovery process.

Easy Self-Care and Self-Love Tips for an Addict


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At Anchored Tides Recovery, we understand that addiction recovery is a challenging journey. Self-care and self-love are fundamental tools in building a resilient recovery path. If you or a loved one is battling addiction, incorporating these self-care and self-love tips can pave the way to a healthier, happier life.

Why Self-care and Self-Love are Essential for Recovery:

Recovery isn’t just about avoiding substances; it’s about rebuilding and nurturing yourself from the inside out. Embracing self-care and self-love can:

  • Improve mental and emotional well-being.
  • Reduce chances of relapse.
  • Enhance self-awareness and mindfulness.
  • Strengthen personal relationships and boundaries.

Self-Care Tips for an Addict

  1. Routine Building: Stick to a daily routine, ensuring you have time for activities that make you feel good.
  2. Physical Health: Engage in regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice grounding techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
  4. Join Support Groups: Being a part of a community, like the one at Anchored Tides Recovery, offers emotional support and understanding.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drinking water is crucial for maintaining physical health and mental clarity.

Practices for Fostering Self-Love:

  • Positive Affirmations: Start each day by looking in the mirror and stating something you love about yourself.
  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and achievements can help you recognize and celebrate your progress.
  • Forgive Yourself: Remember, everyone makes mistakes. What’s essential is learning from them and moving forward.
  • Seek Professional Help: Therapy or counseling can offer tools and insights that support your self-love journey.

Special Designation:

The term “addict” is often laden with stigma. At Anchored Tides Recovery, we see beyond the designation. An addict is someone seeking healing, understanding, and love. By addressing the reader directly, we aim to connect on a personal level, emphasizing that everyone deserves love, care, and understanding, especially during challenging times.

Self-care and self-love are more than buzzwords. They’re lifelines in the journey of recovery. Embrace them, practice them, and let them guide you toward a brighter, substance-free future. Remember, at Anchored Tides Recovery, we’re here to support you every step of the way.


1. What is Self-Care and How Does It Differ From Self-Love?

Self-care involves taking actions to maintain or improve your well-being, particularly during times of stress or adversity. It encompasses physical, emotional, and mental health. Self-love, on the other hand, is a mindset that entails appreciating and accepting yourself, flaws, and all. While self-care is a practice, self-love is a belief.

2. Why Are Self-Care and Self-Love Important in Addiction Recovery?

Both self-care and self-love are crucial because they equip you with the mental and emotional strength needed for recovery. They help you manage stress, reduce the chances of relapse, and improve overall well-being.

3. How Can I Incorporate Self-Care Into My Busy Schedule?

Start small. Even a 10-minute walk, a brief meditation session, or a quick journal entry can be impactful. As you build the habit, you’ll find it easier to make time for more extended self-care activities.

4. Is Professional Help Necessary for Practicing Self-Care and Self-Love?

While you can certainly start the journey of self-care and self-love on your own, professional guidance can offer valuable insights and coping skills tailored to your needs. At Anchored Tides Recovery, we offer various therapies and support groups that focus on self-care and self-love as integral parts of recovery.

5. What Resources Are Available at Anchored Tides Recovery for Self-Care and Self-Love?

We offer a holistic approach to recovery, including therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and support groups that help you cultivate self-care and self-love as you journey toward recovery.

6. Can I Practice Self-Care and Self-Love While Still Using?

The journey towards recovery often starts with small steps. Practicing self-care and self-love while still using can be a beginning. However, it’s essential to seek professional help for a comprehensive treatment plan.


Fun Sober Nights with Friends: Celebrate Life Beyond Alcohol

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Hello, dear readers of Anchored Tides Recovery! There’s a common misconception that fun can’t be had without the inclusion of alcohol or other substances. But in reality, there’s a world of enjoyment to be found in sober activities. Let’s dive into some creative and memorable ways to have a blast on those sober nights out with friends.

The Allure of Sober Nights

If you’re on a journey of recovery or simply choosing to abstain from alcohol, you might be wondering, how do I fill my nights with fun and connection? The truth is, sober nights can be even more rewarding than those blurred by alcohol. They allow for:

  • Genuine Connections: Without the haze of alcohol and other substances, conversations tend to be more meaningful.
  • Clear Memories: Remember every hilarious joke and heartfelt moment.
  • No Hangovers: Wake up feeling refreshed and proud of your choices.

Ideas for Sober Night Fun

If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some fantastic, alcohol-free activities to consider:

  1. Game Night: Bring out the board games, card games, or even video games. Nothing beats the fun of a friendly competition.
  2. Theme Parties: Choose a theme (80s, masquerade, or pajama party) and dress up accordingly.
  3. Outdoor Adventures: From night hikes to beach bonfires, nature offers an array of sober fun.
  4. Cooking or Baking Nights: Whip up some delicious treats or meals together.
  5. Karaoke: Belt out your favorite tunes with friends – no alcohol is needed for this kind of fun!
  6. Arts & Crafts Night: Dive into DIY projects or paint a collective mural.
  7. Movie Marathons: Pick a series or genre and binge-watch together.

The Power of Designation

One concept worth noting in our exploration of sober nights is the designation. When you hear the term “designated driver,” it’s usually someone who abstains from drinking to drive others home safely. But in our context, we can broaden the term: be a Designated Fun Planner. This person is in charge of ensuring that the group has a variety of entertaining, sober activities lined up. By rotating this role among friends, everyone gets a turn to introduce the group to new experiences.

Crafting a New Narrative

Our society often equates fun with alcohol consumption. However, sober nights with friends offer a chance to redefine what fun truly means. At Anchored Tides Recovery, we believe in celebrating life in its purest form. Here’s a challenge for you: the next time you’re planning an evening with friends, consider an alcohol-free agenda. Discover the joy, laughter, and connection that await in these unforgettable nights.

Embrace the journey of sobriety, and remember, there’s a whole community here cheering for you!


1. Can sober activities be as fun as non-sober ones?

Absolutely! Sober activities provide an opportunity for genuine connections, meaningful conversations, and a host of unique, creative ways to enjoy yourself without the influence of alcohol or substances. Plus, you’ll remember all the great times you’ve had.

2. What are some popular sober activities?

There are a plethora of options, including:

  1. Game Nights
  2. Theme Parties
  3. Outdoor Adventures like hiking or beach bonfires
  4. Cooking or Baking Nights
  5. Karaoke
  6. Arts and Crafts
  7. Movie Marathons
3. What is a Designated Fun Planner?

A Designated Fun Planner is someone in the group who takes on the responsibility of planning and coordinating a variety of sober activities for an outing. This person ensures that everyone has a great time while staying true to the aim of a sober night. By rotating this role among friends, everyone gets a chance to contribute to the fun.

4. How do I deal with social pressure to drink?

It can be difficult, especially in a society where social activities often involve alcohol. Be honest about your choice to remain sober. You can also consider having a non-alcoholic drink in hand to deflect attention. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends can make a world of difference.

5. Do I have to disclose that I’m sober or in recovery?

You’re under no obligation to disclose your sobriety or recovery journey unless you’re comfortable doing so. You can simply suggest fun activities that don’t require alcohol. Most people will be more interested in the fun to be had than in whether or not alcohol is involved.

Anchored Tides Recovery Is In-Net with Cigna

Anchored Tides Recovery Is In-Net with Cigna


Cigna Insurance

Cigna is a global health organization that offers an extensive network of in-network doctors in all 50 states. Last year, more than 86 million customers explored the ways in which the company’s proprietary technology, robust provider network, and multi-channel approach can help them benefit from affordable healthcare for basic needs. Cigna also provides comprehensive treatment and rehabilitative services, including addiction counseling, to those suffering from substance abuse issues.

Does Cigna Cover Addiction Treatment?

Cigna’s Addiction Rehabilitation Program (ARP) is designed to provide patients with access to comprehensive, timely and effective addiction rehabilitation services. ARP offers patients the flexibility of receiving medically necessary treatment during the same visit to the hospital where care is first sought. ARP also provides coverage for medically necessary care associated with polysubstance use disorders.

Cigna Addiction Treatment

If you have Cigna health insurance, you may qualify for the following Cigna alcohol treatment and drug addiction programs:

  • Detox Services
  • Inpatient and Residential Care
  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Outpatient Treatment

Get help at Anchored Tides Recovery

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we can help. Our advisors help those struggling with alcohol misuse, drug abuse, or those with an eating disorder to find the best treatment options for their needs. We’ll work with you to find programs that will give you the help you need without breaking the bank. Call today and begin your journey toward a healthier life.

Anchored Tides Recovery Is In-Net with Cigna

The Importance of Self-Forgiveness In Recovery

Forgiveness in Recovery

Forgiveness in Recovery


Self-forgiveness in the recovery process is essential.  

If you can’t forgive yourself in the recovery process from drug or alcohol abuse, you aren’t going to be able to move forward in a healthy, positive way. 

When you can’t forgive yourself, you’re going to get stuck in a cycle of shame and guilt. Shame and guilt fuel addiction and addictive thinking.

Forgiving yourself is easier said than done, however.


The Role of Shame and Guilt In Addiction

Shame and guilt are powerful emotions. They can slowly erode you mentally and spiritually if you don’t find healthy ways to cope with them.

  • Shame is a complex feeling that can occur when you’re the perpetrator of wrongdoing, but it can also be something you experience as a victim.
  • For example, your cycle of shame could have started when you experienced abuse, leading to PTSD. Untreated PTSD could then fuel your substance use. Guilt would then become part of the cycle if you felt that you were letting your children or family down, which could bring you deeper into the cycle of addiction.
  • According to empirical evidence, feelings of guilt and shame both create and feed an addiction whether it’s an alcohol addiction or drug addiction. 
  • When you feel these two emotions, you experience distress about your actions. They can cause you to hate yourself. Both feelings also relate to other mental health conditions, including depression.

The terms may be used interchangeably in many situations, but there is a subtle difference between guilt and shame. Guilt relates more to particular actions, while shame can define who you are as a person, or at least you feel like it does.

  • When you have deep-rooted feelings of shame, they become part of your story, and you begin to believe you’re a bad person and can’t do good.
  • Both shame and guilt increase the risks of unhealthy substance use, which can lead to angry outbursts and unhealthy relationships.
  • There are links between these feelings and substance use and other addictive behaviors such as binge-eating and sexually risky behaviors.

Along with fueling addiction, guilt and shame can be an obstacle to recovery, and studies show higher rates of these feelings lead to worse recovery outcomes. Having unresolved and distressing feelings can shorten periods where you go without using, increase relapse rates, or be a reason why you don’t seek treatment.


What Is Self-Forgiveness in the Recovery Process?

When you’re in treatment for addiction, you may hear a lot of talk about letting go of resentment. We tend to first associate this with resentment toward other people without realizing we may have persistent grievances against ourselves.

It can be much harder to forgive yourself than someone else.

  • When you’re in active addiction, many of your behaviors hurt people or cause regret.
  • You then internalize these active addiction behaviors and start to think you’re a bad person. 
  • In recovery, it’s important to work toward the realization that addiction isn’t who you are, and everyone makes mistakes.
  • When you’re stuck on feelings of shame or guilt, then you’re keeping yourself in the past.
  • When you work through the process to forgive yourself, you’re able to move forward and become “unstuck.”

Self-forgiveness in recovery doesn’t mean you aren’t taking responsibility for the harm you’ve inflicted on others. Personal responsibility can be part of self-forgiveness. The best way to move forward is to acknowledge your actions and impact and then move forward with mindfulness.


Women and Shame

There’s a particularly complex relationship women tend to have with shame. Shame in women affects how you view yourself and your self-esteem. 

  • According to organizations like the American Psychiatric Association, it’s also more common in women than men, largely because of cultural and societal expectations and standards. 
  • Women have higher levels of shame than men in many cases, and they tend to have a harder time with different aspects of forgiveness for themselves, according to empirical studies. 
  • Outside of addiction, when women seek treatment for mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, or eating disorders, they often have to work through complex and crippling feelings of shame.
  • Having these feelings prevents many women from seeking a mental health disorder or substance abuse treatment.
  • Women often experience shame as they’re forced to meet society’s standards as partners, mothers, and more.
  • When women are victims of sexual or physical abuse, they may internalize their shame and feel like they deserved what happened to them.
  • Women from different cultural backgrounds may also experience more shame than others. 

These are all things that have to be part of treating mental health disorders and addiction.


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How to Practice Self-Forgiveness In Recovery

While every situation is unique, some general ways that people and women, in particular, can begin to practice self-forgiveness in recovery from drug or alcohol use disorders include:


Acceptance is essential to recovery. We have to come to terms with who we are and what happened throughout our lives and addictions.

  • With the acceptance of responsibility, you admit mistakes and acknowledge and recognize your feelings of guilt and shame.
  • There’s no value in continuing to dwell on your mistakes, but there is in acceptance and moving forward.
  • Acceptance is a key part of 12-step programs. The serenity prayer that’s recited at the end of each 12-step meeting highlights the importance of acceptance.
  • You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it, reflect on it and use it to make progress.
  • You can also start recognizing through acceptance that you aren’t the same person as you were in active addiction.
  • Mindfulness can be helpful in acceptance because it encourages you to move your thoughts back to the present rather than the past or the future.
  • When you go to rehab, a personalized treatment plan will often start with acceptance as part of the ongoing process to forgive yourself. 


Stop Putting Yourself Down

Don’t speak to yourself like your own worst enemy. Our self-talk can be incredibly damaging. You need to remember that you wouldn’t speak to another person in some of the ways you might talk to yourself.

  • Treat yourself like you would others—with patience, kindness, and understanding.
  • You can come to a place where you develop the fundamental belief that you are good, but it takes practicing how you speak to yourself.
  • Know that you’re doing your best.
  • You also need to speak to yourself with compassion. You aren’t making excuses, but you recognize the trauma you’ve gone through.

The more you can practice developing positive attitudes toward yourself, the stronger you’ll feel in your recovery and the higher your levels of forgiveness toward yourself. 


Take Care Of Yourself Physically

Practicing self-care and doing positive things for your physical health can help reinforce that you are worthy and valuable, leading to increases in forgiveness for yourself. 

Self-care is integral to recovery from addiction as well.

Find healthy habits and ways that you can show yourself you care. This might mean doing yoga, taking a walk, or practicing meditation instead of relying on the influence of alcohol or drugs. 


Creating a Physical Ritual of Self-Forgiveness

When you have a physical element of self-forgiveness that’s tangible, it can help you. One example is writing a letter to yourself on a piece of paper, expressing your forgiveness. This lets you process what you’re feeling, develop a sense of closure, and move forward.

Addiction treatment is when you can focus on forgiving yourself and creating a new path forward past difficult times. Please reach out to our team to learn more about treatment programs for women beginning a journey of recovery and self-forgiveness.

Our team can help you learn more about alcohol abuse treatment program options and treatment for drug addiction to help facilitate a lifelong recovery, promoting decreases in shame and an increase in forgiveness for yourself and others. 

The Anchored Tides Recovery abstinence-based outpatient program is specifically for women in Southern California. We offer evidence-based treatment and outpatient group psychotherapy, and individual treatment plans; to learn more call 866-600-7709