The Dangers of Prescription Pills


Drug Prescription pills had always been a threat to all – even before the recent opioid epidemic. Yes, they are safe for people who have prescriptions for them and take them as prescribed. However, prescriptions can easily be abused and pills also can be purchased illegally. This is extremely dangerous and can even be life threatening. Today, Anchored Tides Recovery would like to spend some time highlighting the dangers of prescription pills. 

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, NCDAS, 53 million Americans had a case of drug abuse in 2018. And of the lot, prescription pills accounted for a significant 30%. Now, you see that prescription pills misuse and abuse poses a lot of health risk to everyone. With that said, what are those risks?

Before we discuss the risks of misusing or abusing prescription pills, let’s talk about the “what” and “why.”

What Are Addictive Prescription Pills?

Ordinarily, prescription pills are not necessarily meant to be addictive. The common prescription drugs fall into three categories, namely:

  •  Opioids
  •  Depressants
  •  Stimulants

As the name suggests, these pills are prescribed to people with certain health conditions. And the three major health conditions include pains, anxiety disorders, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

Even to “the administered,” doctors only prescribe the drugs under strict conditions and often as a last resort because they are strong medications. 

Why Do People Misuse or Abuse Prescription Pills?

People abuse prescription pills for various reasons. Some do so for fun (to get high), and others may start to build a tolerance to their prescription, and need to take more to feel the same effects.

Others may abuse prescription pills in the bid to study better, lose weight, or keep fit. Whatever reason you have for misusing or abusing prescription medication, they all often face the same complications listed below:

Risks Associated With Prescription Pills Addiction


  • Loss of Memory


Memory loss is often associated with depressants. Depressants generally increase the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. And that explains why it treats anxiety.

However, high levels of GABA lower brain activity. In the event of depressant abuse, your brain will then stimulate more GABA. That would eventually result in memory loss and a lack of concentration.

What’s worse is that if you suddenly stop taking depressants after a long period of use, you might experience life-threatening withdrawal seizures.


  • Respiratory Complications


Opioids are responsible for respiratory challenges in prescription pills’ abusers. They can indeed help manage pain under a doctor’s supervision.

Nevertheless, at the slightest overdose, you can experience life-endangering breathing difficulties. It is even worse when you combine opioids with alcohol.

In addition to breathing problems, opioids deteriorate sleep patterns. Over time, your immune system suffers from your misuse or overdose of opioids.


  • Paranoia


Prescription medications generally affect the internal workings of the brain. Put simply; they disrupt how the brain cells send and receive information.

In particular, they (opioids and stimulants) affect the brain’s reward sequences. As such, you get high and joyous when you take. But when you don’t use these pills, you start showing paranoia tendencies.

Stimulants especially can make you paranoid, and short doses make abusers go aggressive and withdraw.


  • Organ Damage and Failure


Prescription pills can cause heart-related problems such as collapsed veins and eventual heart failure. For starters, the medications are strong. And for that reason, the heart starts experiencing abnormal heartbeat rates.

Another organ often affected by prescription medications are the liver and kidney. These pills often make your liver and kidney go on overdrive. In other words, the two organs require more work to digest the substances in opioids, particularly.

How Anchored Tides Recovery Can Help

In the end, whatever complications or risks you face for abusing any prescription drug, there is hope. It’s never too late to get help, and you don’t have to live a life abusing prescription pills. We can help you at Anchored Tides Recovery.

Our range of treatment services for women includes partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and other outpatient programs. Most importantly, we have some of the best guides to help you navigate your addiction! Trust us, and get help today!

Partial Hospitalization Programs: Who Are They For?


If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol and seeking treatment, you’re going to be faced with numerous options. Some you may have heard about before, and others can seem totally foreign. Addiction treatment is an investment (one you’re making in yourself), so it’s important to choose the right treatment for you. At Anchored Tides Recovery in Huntington Beach, California, we provide women with a safe environment to recover from addiction. One type of treatment we offer is called partial hospitalization. 

What Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a type of intermediate addiction treatment option between inpatient and outpatient treatment. When attending PHP, you will come to our treatment facility daily and spend the day undergoing different addiction treatment therapies. At the end of the day, you return home and are free to do whatever you please in the evening. 

This type of addiction treatment can be completed after you complete inpatient treatment or as a stand-alone treatment. It’s a great option if you want to participate in intensive addiction therapy but can’t remove yourself from society for 30 or more days. 

Our partial hospitalization program at Anchored Tides Recovery includes a variety of therapies: 

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Adventure based therapy
  • Mindfulness & meditation
  • Trauma resiliency
  • Relapse prevention

Benefits of Partial Hospitalization Programs

There are many benefits to completing a partial hospitalization program for addiction treatment, one of the biggest being you don’t have to remove yourself from ‘normal life’ to receive treatment. A lot of recovering addicts find it helpful to completely go off the grid for a period of time in the beginning of their sobriety so they can focus solely on recovery. The downside is that it can sometimes be challenging to remerge into society. A partial hospitalization program offers the best of both worlds; our clients can spend their days focusing on sobriety 100%, and return to their life when the day ends. If you have pets, you’ll be able to tend to them in the evening, or even take night classes at a college and continue your education. While you’re getting sober, you will learn how to integrate sobriety into your everyday life. 

Partial hospitalization can also be used as a transitional tool for recovering addicts leaving inpatient treatment. Like we mentioned before, it can be difficult to go back to ‘everyday life’ after leaving inpatient treatment. By attending a PHP, you can slowly start to rebuild your life , like securing a safe place to live, or returning home to the place you lived before treatment. You’ll be able to spend your days working on your recovery and spend the evenings tending to personal needs, like cooking for yourself or going to the gym. 

Another benefit to partial hospitalization is it’s less costly than inpatient treatment. Because you live and receive treatment at an inpatient treatment facility, and eat all of your meals there, it tends to be the most expensive addiction treatment option. At Anchored Tides Recovery, we work with a number of insurance providers and also offer financing options to our clients. We want addiction treatment to be as accessible as possible for all women, and don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t get the help they deserve because they can’t afford it. 

Call Us Today

If you’re in the process of seeking addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, congratulations for taking the necessary first step to a better life. A partial hospitalization program is for you if you’re looking to start your recovery journey, or completed inpatient treatment and are looking to continue treatment. At Anchored Tides Recovery, we provide addiction treatment for women and are a women ran facility. We offer partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient treatment programs. Reach out to us for more information regarding our programs! 

Outpatient Treatment: How It Leads To Long Term Success


Outpatient Addiction is a multifaceted problem that affects all kinds of people from all walks of life. It stands to reason that addiction treatment should not be a “one size fits all” solution, yet the sad truth is that many rehabilitation programs remain generalized and outdated. In fact, many follow treatments designed for men, despite modern research that shows women face unique sets of challenges when it comes to addiction

That’s why we are a women-specific treatment center at Anchored Tides Recovery, with a focus on individual needs and long-term recovery. We also realize that many women feel the need to delay treatment because of busy everyday lives and feelings of obligation towards others. 

Sound familiar? It’s time to get the treatment you deserve and give yourself a new lease on life. And because we offer outpatient addiction treatment at Anchored Tides, you can retain some schedule flexibility and return home each night. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Outpatient Addiction Treatment?

Whereas inpatient treatment is more traditional and involves actually being admitted to a facility under 24/7 medical supervision, outpatient is a more modern style of treatment that allows for some flexibility and goes far beyond just the detox process

While the exact experience varies for everyone, the outpatient program generally involves highly focused treatment during the day, after which you are allowed to return home each day with guidance on how to continue working towards sobriety. 

There are a naturally a lot of benefits to this arrangement, specifically:

  • Recovering addicts can maintain their basic everyday routines and keep up with responsibilities
  • In many cases, the ability to go to work and not have to forfeit a job
  • Medical care only as needed, not necessarily required 24/7
  • Ability to build a support network with friends and family much earlier on
  • Family and friends are actively able to witness the patient making progress
  • Ability to engage in community activities and hobbies — keep living life! 
  • Greater personal responsibility helps keeps patients dedicated to becoming sober and actively learning coping skills
  • No grand re-entry into the “real world”, meaning no shock or dramatic adjustment period following treatment
  • More affordable costs than most inpatient programs, thanks to fewer hours of onsite treatment and medical care

At Anchored Tides, we firmly believe in outpatient care and how allowing patients to spend time at home contributes to their successful treatment. And because different people require different levels of care, we offer three types of outpatient programs of varying degrees: Outpatient Program (OP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). Those with more severe addiction problems may require PHP for closer medical monitoring during detox, while others may do well under the programs with lower medical intensity aspects. 

How Outpatient Treatment Paves the Way for a Lifetime of Sobriety

With outpatient treatment, one of the greatest benefits of all is the ability to actively make changes in everyday life. With inpatient care, the “real world” comes later, after detox and early counseling have been achieved. But because outpatient participants have their treatment worked into their everyday schedules, they are allowed to continue living their lives in the real world and make more steady, gradual changes each day. Though this means treatment is usually spread over a much longer period of time, it also means that long-term recovery is more feasible. 

And rest assured; when you’re a patient at Anchored Tides, we do not just cut off ties once your treatment program reaches its planned completion. In addition to running outpatient treatment, our team at Anchored Tides practices long-term recovery monitoring for our patients. This means regular follow-ups and wellness check-ins, as well as encouragement for you to stay involved with counseling groups. We help you stay accountable to yourself now and well into the future. 

We’re Here to Help

When you’re suffering from addiction, it’s so important to realize that you’re not alone. Nearly 20 million women engage in substance abuse every year in America, and many suffer from addiction for years. In addition to the numerous health risks, addiction leads to strained relationships, derailed careers, and ruined dreams. The time to get help is now. To learn more about your outpatient treatment options, reach out to us at Anchored Tides Recovery today. 

How To Build A Support System in Early Sobriety


Struggling with addiction takes a toll not just on ourselves, but also on the people we care about. But overcoming any form of drug abuse is easier said than done, and this is especially true for women. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that women, on average, often face greater difficulties due to both biological differences and harsher societal expectations. And despite nearly 20 million women using illicit substances in the past year alone, many addiction treatment programs remain designed and geared towards, men. This is why our team at Anchored Tides Recovery focuses on women and what it takes to achieve long-term recovery.

Now, many people assume that once you get through withdrawal, addiction recovery is a piece of cake. But the truth is that it is only the beginning. True addiction recovery means making active decisions each day to stay sober and find happiness in everyday life. While there are a lot of different things that will help with these decisions (pursuing hobbies, working out, etc.), the real key is building a strong support system early on. 

Why a Support System is Important

Very few of us can make big life achievements all on our own. And yes, getting sober is a major achievement. With the right people surrounding you and supporting you throughout your recovery, you’ll be better able to make the right decisions. Everyone’s situation is different, and support systems can consist of a variety of people: family members, friends, counselors, mentors, etc. For many people in early sobriety, it is a good idea to surround yourself with a blend of people from these areas to get different perspectives and support from all areas of life. Specifically, a strong support system helps you in the following ways: 

  • They give you an outlet to voice your frustrations and feelings.
  • They provide a real-world perspective and can help remind you why sobriety is good (healthy peer pressure). 
  • They show that a sober, healthy life is within reach.
  • They can help expand your social circle with other healthy-minded individuals. 
  • They can introduce you to healthy, enjoyable hobbies.
  • They help remind you that you are an important, well-liked person with value to others.

Above all, building a strong support system keeps you accountable to others rather than just yourself. You’re not deciding to stay sober just because of yourself now; you’re also doing it for the important people in your life. 

Choosing the Right People

Now that you know how important having a good support system is, how do you go about surrounding yourself with the right people? To start, you should only be around people who are sober and/or who have already made great strides in fighting their own addiction problems and are acutely focused on sobriety. Especially in early sobriety, it is not a good idea to continue associating with people who are not supportive of you discontinuing drug abuse or who even enabled it. It is all too easy sometimes to slip and relapse, but the right people will do what they can to help you make the right decisions. In the event that you do relapse, the right people are the ones who will help you get back up and into treatment. 

As mentioned earlier, support systems often consist of different kinds of people who are meaningful in your life. For many, it starts with the people in their addiction treatment program. Your rehabilitation staff will serve as some of your earliest supporters, helping see you through the early stages and on to long-term recovery. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of all the resources your treatment program has to offer! There will be many opportunities for you to meet other like-minded individuals and strong people you can relate to. 

That said, while it is important to continue therapy and have the support of a counselor, it is also important to be able to develop a healthy social life with family and friends. Working individuals may even confide in a trusted employer or coworker about their efforts and their intent to stay sober, thus expanding their support system even further. 

Consider Group Therapy

One of the best ways you can build up your support system early on in addiction recovery is by participating in group therapy. This is also another case where you can utilize the resources available to you through your addiction program and find a group that you feel comfortable with. Giving you an outlet with people who know exactly what you’re going through, group therapy has been shown to be highly effective for all kinds of people. It’s also worth noting that groups can help keep you even more accountable than others in your life can, as they can relate to your temptations and will recognize any excuses you may make. In fact, many people continue group therapy long into sobriety because of the support they feel and the meaningful connections that are made.

We Can Help You Find the Support You Need!

Looking for the help you need to overcome drug addiction once and for all? We’re here for you. Anchored Tides Recovery is a comprehensive addiction treatment program designed specifically for women, by women. Our various levels of outpatient and partial-hospitalization services are designed to help you beat drug abuse without having to give up everyday life and the things that make you “you”. In addition to the initial stages of treatment that will help you overcome physical dependency, we focus on long-term recovery monitoring.

Our team of caring professionals will also help form part of your support system, and we will help you strengthen your relationships elsewhere. With the right team behind you, long-term sobriety is within reach!  Contact us today!

The Benefits of a Female Only Treatment Facility for Addiction


Finding the right addiction treatment for you can be overwhelming. A simple google search can present you with what feels like an endless amount of treatment options. Treatment should be a safe place where you can get honest with yourself and others, be vulnerable, and develop relationships with other sober people.

Addiction manifests in many forms and affects people differently. Addiction can also impact men and women differently. If you’re a woman and looking to get sober, a female-only treatment facility could be a great option for you. At Anchored Tides Recovery, located in Orange County, CA, we’re a female ran and female-only treatment center. It’s safe to say we totally understand women and recovery. 

What is a Women-Only Addiction Treatment Facility?

A women’s only addiction treatment facility is exactly what it sounds like. This is a facility that has been designed specifically to help women who suffer from addiction. During the 1970s and 80s, it came to light that addiction research was historically done on men, therefore the foundation of treatment was ill-equipped for women. As a response to this, research began on the differences between men and women when it comes to addiction. Studies show that:

  • Addiction progresses faster and can be more severe in women
  • Problems related to addiction interfere with functioning in more areas of life than men’s do
  • Are more likely to encounter health-related issues from addiction

After information on how addiction affects genders differently became available, women-only treatment started to form and flourish.

Benefits of a Women-Only Facility

There are numerous benefits to attending a women-only treatment center for addiction.

It’s Easier to Open Up

One of the most important aspects of addiction treatment is opening up to others. People need to be able to share their experiences regarding how addiction has impacted them while also learning from the experiences of others. Women might feel hesitant to open up regarding how addiction has impacted them with other men in the room. In many cases, drug abuse and addiction are going to impact other aspects of someone’s life, including their sexual health. It’s not uncommon for women to have negative sexual experiences during their addiction. It’s important for women to share these experiences in order to cope. 

Find Common Ground

When women enter a treatment facility that is designed for both genders, they might feel like they don’t have a lot in common with the other people in the facility. This can make it hard for someone to come to terms with addiction and rehab. If the treatment center focuses on women, the clients are going to be able to learn from the similarities of others. They are going to feel like they aren’t alone during treatment. Women’s only treatment also sets the foundation for creating a strong sober network. As a woman, it’s important to have support from other women, during and after treatment. 

All Women Staff

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we have an all-female staff. We feel the best way to run a female treatment center is to have females running it. We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming, safe space for women to start their recovery journey. Our female staff understands what you’ve been through while battling addiction and is dedicated to giving you all the tools you need to overcome this horrible disease. We will help you with your addiction and any comorbid conditions such as anxiety, depression, trauma caused by negative sexual experiences or domestic violence, PTSD, and more. 

We Support Women

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we are a comprehensive, dual-diagnosis enhanced program designed specifically for women, by women. Our program offers numerous levels of outpatient services including a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), a traditional Outpatient Program (OP), and long-term recovery monitoring. We are here to help women overcome addiction and mental health disorders. If you would like to learn more about how our program can help you and your family members recover from addiction, please contact us today!

Tips to Help Your Loved One During the Recovery Process


Addiction is a terrible disease and it can take a tremendous toll on not only the addict but the rest of the family as well. When someone first agrees to get help for drug abuse and addiction, they often think that detox is the only step during the recovery process. People who are addicted to alcohol might even come out of the detox process and think they can drink socially. This is not the case. Sobriety represents a lifelong commitment and people need to embrace this commitment every day. Having support from friends or family is one of the main factors that keep a recovering addict determined and disciplined. It’s a great idea for friends and family members to familiarize themselves with ways they can help an addict through the recovery process.

How to Tell if Addiction is Taking Hold of a Loved One?

In order to be able to support someone throughout the recovery process, you’ll need to be able to spot the signs of addiction. There are a few key signs that someone is suffering from addiction: 

  • Defensive behavior: Addicts tend to become defensive during their addiction. If you start to ask them why they don’t have money or why they’re losing weight, they’ll get angry and most likely try to turn the conversation around on you. Although this can be hurtful, remember that they aren’t doing this maliciously. 
  • Hiding their use: People drug and alcohol abuse are generally not socially acceptable, addicts hide their use. An addict may stash alcohol or drugs in their car so no one can find them. They’ll often lie about what they’re doing as well to hide their use. If you ask an addict to come over for dinner, it’s common for them to make up an excuse because they want to get high. 
  • Mood swings: Drug and alcohol use can cause unstable moods. Someone using a stimulant will be down one minute, then up the next. Someone who is addicted to alcohol may start their day out feeling happy and normal, but the more they drink, the more depressed they can become.
  • Financial problems: Sustaining an addiction can become very expensive. If you suspect someone is struggling with substance abuse, and they ask to borrow money, they might have a problem. If you find someone going through your personal belongings to steal money, they most likely have a problem. 

When is it Time for Help?

It’s never too soon to get help. Once you recognize that someone you love is suffering from substance abuse, it’s time for help. Addiction is a progressive disease, the longer it manifests, the worse it gets.  It is critical to stop addiction in its tracks as early as possible to limit the collateral damage that might result.

How To Help Someone with Addiction

It may feel hard at first to try to help someone who is suffering from addiction. It’s normal to feel angry, or sad, or confused, especially if someone’s addiction has impacted you directly. The most important thing to remember is your loved one is sick. If they did something to hurt you, it wasn’t purposefully. It’s important to approach someone who is suffering from addiction with care and compassion. If they feel like they’re being attacked or misunderstood, they may resist getting help. 

There are different ways to approach someone about their addiction. Because everyone is different and every addiction is different, it can be hard to determine what is the right thing to do. If your loved one is struggling and is an introvert, try having a private conversation with them. They may get overwhelmed if too many people confront them at once. If your loved one gets agitated easily, you may want to confront them with someone else present. 

After you confront the addict, the most important thing to do is let them know you’re here to help them. You can offer to help them with researching different treatment options and even help by calling different facilities to learn more about their program. 

The best thing to do when helping someone during the recovery process is to not judge them and lend a shoulder to cry on. You’d be surprised at how much it can mean to someone by just saying “I’m here for you if you ever need to talk”. 

Let Us Help You With Your Addiction Treatment

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we are a complete, dual-diagnosis enhanced addiction treatment program, designed specifically for women, by women. This program provides a variety of levels of outpatient services, which include a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), a traditional Outpatient Program (OP), and long-term recovery monitoring. Our goal is to help women overcome addiction and mental health disorders. If you are interested in learning more about how our professionals can help you overcome the bonds of addiction, please contact us today!

How Are Women Impacted Differently by Addiction?


Addiction is a disease. It does not discriminate against anyone based on gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or occupation. It has the potential to impact anyone at any time. For the longest time, the vast majority of research was focused solely on drug abuse and alcohol addiction in men. This was because the trend was to use only men in medical studies. This exclusionary bias that women faced started to emerge in the 1990s. Many organizations in the United States noticed that women were also impacted by addiction, yet they were not receiving the same level of attention and treatment as their male counterparts. This led to a push to study addiction in women to a greater degree with the hope that medical professionals would be able to reach them more effectively during treatment sessions.

The Impact of Addiction in Women

As a whole, men are more likely than women to suffer from drug abuse and addiction. Between 11 and 12 percent of men over the age of 12 suffer from some form of substance abuse disorder. Just over 6 percent of women over the age of 12 suffer from a substance abuse disorder. Although the number of women suffering from addiction is lower than men, women are more likely to suffer fatal consequences from a substance abuse disorder. Women are more likely to end up in the emergency room or overdose due to substance abuse. For this reason, we want to raise awareness and spread information on the importance of getting the correct treatment. 

How are Women More Susceptible to the Dangers of Addiction?

Two ways in which men and women are impacted differently by addiction are biological and sociological.  Society expects different things from men and women and these sociological pressures impact how both genders respond to addiction. Differences in body size, composition, and hormone levels also impact how men and women respond to addiction.

Women are far more likely to transition from substance to substance when they suffer from addiction than their male counterparts. This means that women may use alcohol, then opioids, then stimulants. Even though men are more likely to become addicts as a whole, women are more likely to engage in self-medication with certain substances. 

Women are more likely to suffer end-organ damage from the effects of substance abuse and overdoses. This includes damage to the liver and kidneys depending on the type of drug. 

Finally, women are also more likely to experience cravings during the recovery process. This means that women are also more likely to relapse while they are in addiction treatment programs. 

How to Find Treatment for Addiction

When seeking treatment, people have the option to choose from an array of programs. There are mixed gender treatment centers, gender-specific, adolescent focused treatment, etc. While it’s great to have options, it’s important to seek the right kind of treatment. For instance, some women will feel particularly vulnerable when going to treatment and feel safe around other women. If this sounds like you, then an all women’s treatment center is the right choice. 

All treatment centers have the same end goal in mind, the only difference between mixed gender and gender-specific is the gender aspect. Often, people start the treatment process by trying to break free from addiction on their own. Sadly, this is not effective. People are bound to relapse. Therefore, it is important for everyone to reach out to professionals for assistance.

There are plenty of programs out there for individuals who are looking to treat addiction effectively. For example, many people start in an inpatient program so they can get through withdrawal and detox under the supervision of trained professionals. From there, individuals often transition to an outpatient program. This might include a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or an intensive outpatient program (IOP). There are programs out there for everyone. People simply need to know where to turn for help.

Let Us Help You!

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we are a comprehensive dual-diagnosis enhanced program that has been created by women to help other women recover addiction. We offer various levels of outpatient services including Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Outpatient Program (OP), and long-term rehab and recovery monitoring. If you would like to learn more about our addiction treatment options, then please contact us today! We would be honored to help you and your family with the recovery process.

Why You Should Travel to Huntington Beach for Addiction Treatment


When someone is suffering from addiction, it’s important to seek help as quickly as possible. The sooner people ask for help from trained professionals, the faster they can get on the road to addiction recovery. Because there is a sense of urgency associated with seeking treatment, it’s common for people to look for treatment programs close to home. At first, this may seem to make sense because home is familiar and comfortable, but upon further evaluation, it actually makes more sense to travel for treatment. It’s important to leave the toxic environment that led to your addiction in the first place.

What Are the Benefits of Traveling for Addiction Treatment?

There are a lot of benefits to traveling for addiction treatment. Traveling to Orange County is a chance for someone to start a new life. It’s critical to break the normal routine that allowed addiction to take hold in order to seek recovery. In a new environment,  people will be able to look inward and learn more about themselves. They’ll have the chance to close the book on a destructive period in their life.

We feel by escaping the old, destructive environment, someone can leave behind bad routines, bad relationships, and the other consequences caused by substance abuse. It’s important to be able to reflect on the habits that were built that led to addiction. The best way to do this is by separating yourself from your old environment. Go on a journey of self-discovery by seeking treatment in a new place.

Reasons to Seek Addiction Treatment in Huntington Beach

There are going to be more opportunities for people to seek help from specialists in Orange County. Everyone’s addiction is different. Not only are people addicted to different substances but their reasons and circumstances for using are different as well. Therefore, people need to have the ability to seek help from specialists who have seen similar cases in the past. When people travel to Huntington Beach, they will have access to experienced professionals who can help them break free.

Huntington Beach is home to gorgeous weather. Unlike other parts of the country, Southern California is pleasant all year round. The sun is always shining and there’s zero humidity. This can help people cope with some of the challenges that are going to come up with addiction treatment such as withdrawal and depression. Do not underestimate the power of fresh air and sunshine. 

There’s also access to the beach here in Huntington Beach. It’s fantastic and recommended to incorporate physical activity into the process of addiction treatment. Hiking, swimming, running, etc, are all great activities to clear someone’s head. There is something very therapeutic about spending time outdoors and connecting with nature. Nature also has a way of focusing on one’s priorities. People who come to this area love taking advantage of the beach and it’s healing components.

The biggest benefit of traveling to Southern California by far is that people can prioritize themselves instead of their addictions. There is so much room for exploring in a new area. Once you are in a sober state of mind you’ll probably realize there are a lot of things you’d like to start doing. Huntington Beach is the perfect place to rediscover yourself, new hobbies, and what makes you truly happy. 

Let Us Help You with Your Recovery!

At Anchored Tides Recovery, we are a comprehensive dual-diagnosis enhanced program that has been created specifically for women, by women. We provide a wide variety of outpatient services including a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), a traditional Outpatient Program (OP), as well as long-term recovery monitoring. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you find recovery in Orange County, then please contact us today! 

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Awareness and Prevention


Policy Update 

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Awareness and Prevention

Policies & Procedures


Policy: It is the Policy of Anchored Tides Recovery to identify risks as the CDC and WHO has identified COVID-19 as a pandemic, and expectations of the Coronavirus spreading throughout the United States. As a preemptive measure, Anchored Tides Recovery follows guidelines of the CDC and develops measures to properly look at risks associated with any pandemic situation. 

Procedure: As of March 12th, 2020, All Prescreening will include questions regarding travel to China, Asia, and Europe, flu-like symptoms and if the individual has come in contact with anyone who has COVID-19. These individuals will be monitored and referred out if flu-like symptoms occur. Anchored Tides Recovery will train staff on proper handwashing and prevention methods to prepare for potential issues if the virus is to spread. This will go into effect until the CDC declares COVID-19 as no longer a threat to the American public. 


The Following Questions have been added to the pre-screening assessment

  1. Have you traveled to Asia or Europe since the winter of 2019?
    1. If yes, what countries or parts of countries have you visited?
  2. Have you or any family members been exposed to Coronavirus?
  3. Are you at risk for exposure to coronavirus?
  4. Are you experiencing shortness of breath, coughing, fever, or other symptoms of Coronavirus and/or the flu?
    1. If Yes, have you been tested for the Coronavirus or are you willing to be tested?

If anyone is experiencing these symptoms and/or has traveled the staff will have the client reviewed by a healthcare provider to check for COVID-19 prior to admission. These results will be documented in the client file and will be accessible to staff to review.

At this time, all visitors to the facility will be canceled until further notice unless deemed absolutely necessary. Visitors if necessary, will be asked about recent exposure to COVID-19 and any health risks they may have. 

Patient safety is highly important of which the following posters will be placed at the front of the office:  


Anchored Tides Recovery has identified another risk area in our direct and indirect care staff, at this time the executive team has enabled an emergency preparedness plan to ensure those who are sick will have paid sick leave and an email will go to all staff regarding changes to company policy on sick leave to further help the containment of COVID-19.

  • all staff will receive information and training on COVID-19 as well as preventative and containment measures, they can consider. 
  • Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick.
  • Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor

All executive-level employees should be reviewing the CDC website frequently at




Why You Should Meditate in Addiction Recovery


Overcoming addiction comes with its own challenges and can be particularly stressful if you are just beginning your journey to recovery. Dealing with the urge to use, cleaning up the messes you made while using, and rebuilding broken relationships is no walk in the park. Anchored Tides puts a big emphasis on developing skills to help you deal with real-life struggles at the beginning of recovery. One of the best coping mechanisms we’ve found so far is meditation and we make sure to include it in our treatment programs. 

What is Meditation?

This is a complementary and alternative approach to mainstream addiction recovery services like group counseling and psychotherapy. It is a general body and mind connection practice that focuses on inducing serenity and relaxation to improve both mental and physical health. Anyone can take part in meditation irrespective of your religious or spiritual life. There is no set of time for meditators but beginners can start with a few minutes and then advance to longer sessions.

 The practice focuses on the physical sensations, mindfulness, awareness of present feelings and surroundings. It also involves the mindfulness of accepting thoughts and feelings as they are. This is particularly effective in helping individuals fighting addiction to thinking about sobriety, prevent relapse, and ultimately lead to addiction recovery.

Benefits of Meditation

Aside from promoting inner peace, calmness, increase self-awareness and proper mental functioning, meditation also improves mindfulness which helps decrease cravings and aid recovery. Practicing mindfulness means that you are in control of your attention. You are taking the role and attitude of an observer of what you are doing and feeling.

Improves Resilience

Individuals dealing with addiction are among the most resilient people you will ever come across. Bouncing back to a healthy, quiet, drama free, sober life, and adapting to the new changes is not easy – even for the most dynamic individuals. It takes patience, persistence and strong will to recover fully. Meditation helps you cultivate massive levels of resilience. It helps you become more mindful of your fears, anxiety, and pain. Frequent practice helps reduce and manage stress levels.


Too often we get down on ourselves and doubt our abilities to live a happy, sober life. The addiction recovery journey can be more difficult if you remain too hard on yourself. Since meditation focuses on attentiveness and observation to your own feelings and thoughts, it is much easier to learn, watch, and be patient with your emotions and self. The more you practice, the more you get to know yourself. You’ll also learn to treat yourself better and exercise some patience and acceptance as you would on other people who are in the same situation.

Improves your overall health

Meditation focuses on body and mind connection. That means it also focuses on your physical and mental health. When you discover self-awareness, you embrace sobriety and realize that you can actually cope with life challenges without alcohol or drugs. 

Your anxiety and stress levels lower through the practice of meditation which can prevent lifestyle-related illnesses such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart conditions. Aside from reducing anxiety and stress some health benefits gained from meditation include reducing your chance of depression, which is common in individuals battling addiction.

Improves your attention span

Meditation and being mindful means thinking about what and how it is right now and not worrying about the past or the future. You are concentrating on your present and the positive things in it. Practicing mindful meditation means taking time to enjoy the current moment as it is. We can’t fix the past and we can’t control the future, all we have is the present moment. Focusing on the present improves your attention span and allows you to enjoy the little things in life. Becoming more attentive will also help you strengthen or repair broken relationships.  

Start meditating

While meditation and addiction would never be used in the same sentences a few decades ago, research has now proved that it is the new recovery agent to addiction. If you have cravings, feel depressed, or are stressed, practice meditation. It’s free and you can do it anywhere!

Anchored Tides Recovery Wants to Help

We want to help you get sober and stay sober. Reach out to us today with any questions you may have regarding our program. We’re happy to talk about all of the resources we provide women seeking sobriety. You can do it!