Ask ten women about sobriety and their family life. And you’ll see that, at least, eight out of ten will prioritize their family over work and addictions (particularly alcohol). Why?
Moms generally understand the importance of family.
From William Ross Wallace’s famous poem, ‘What Rules the World‘, he stated that the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. It shows the role a mother plays in the life of her kids and family; that as a mother aims to nurture and educate a child, she makes the world a much better place.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean juggling sobriety, work and family is an easy task. Besides, ticking the boxes on a questionnaire isn’t always the same as reality.
How do we know that?
Becoming a Sober Mom
We, at Anchored Tides Recovery, are women professionals treating women. We have helped numerous sober moms cope with the demands of being an excellent mother and productive employees.
So, if you’re looking for a sober moms guide to recovery and navigating sobriety, amidst work and family demands, we can help!
Read on to find the challenges you will face as becoming a sober mom, and how you can overcome them.
Balancing Old Routines With New Lifestyle Choices
As things stand, the responsibilities of a mother and an employee are more enough for you. Now, you might have to do a complete overhaul of your daily habits.
How do you feel at the thoughts of that hectic overhaul?
If perhaps you can avoid cocktail get-together at work or your book club, how about coping with your children’s needs?
Moms often resort to their wine bottles to cope with stress at home. But remember, you don’t drink anymore. And that’s totally ok.
Partner Is Not Doing Enough
Maybe managing lifestyle choices will be easier for mothers if their partner had assisted them with home activities. Sadly, the partner isn’t doing enough.
According to a study by Harvard Business Review, HBR, over 70% of the interviewed (men and women) agree that working wives take care of the children and the home.
Out-of-home working moms particularly will feel the stress of combining work and home pressures. If such moms were in sobriety, remaining sober will be a difficult task.
Making Time for Recovery
In addition to lifestyle changes and unsupportive partners, a sober mom still has to find out ways to maintain her recovery schedules.
Remember, attending 12-step meetings and online support groups is important, in addition to individual therapy.
In the face of your workload, how can you stick to your sobriety recovery schedules?
Check out our tips below:
You Come First
The most important step you can take as you become a sober mom is to prioritize your needs above all else – work and family. That notion might come out as selfish. But it’s not.
Frankly, if you keep skipping your recovery meetings to meet up with work and family demands, you might fail in your quest to become the best mom.
Ditch the Parties If Needed
Candidly, it’s not the end of the world if you aren’t around for a cocktail party or not. If the host does care, you could always apologize for missing parties/meetings that will serve as obstacles to being the best mom for your kids. Remember – no is a complete sentence.
Ask For Help
As earlier stated, managing sobriety, your work, and family can be difficult. Don’t be shy; ask for as much help as you need – even from your husband.
Make Friends With Moms Handling Similar Cases
Sober moms like you can also help you. More so, some of them had already mastered the solutions to your challenges. As such, make friends and connect with them.
Anchored Tides Recovery Can Help
Anchored Tides Recovery is here to help you overcome your challenges in sobriety and motherhood. We provide streamlined and mom-specific remedies for various levels of addiction. Our treatment technique incorporates evidence-based addiction treatment and dual diagnosis modalities while incorporating a programing geared toward the issues women face.