Law Enforcement and Addiction Recovery

law enforcement and addiction recovery

law enforcement and addiction recovery


For better or worse, the chances are you have strong opinions about police reform. 

Even just the term “police reform” triggers many intense emotions, from both sides of the political spectrum, and doesn’t do any justice towards the actual meaning behind the idea. 

Today, we answer the question – what does police reform mean?
We’ll cover the cause, effect, and specifics.


The Stigma Around Police Reform

Most people hear the term “defunding the police” and take it literally. To many, the term means “take away police funding, cut their salaries, remove police presence.” This is very far from the actual meaning of the term.

Police reform revolves around reallocating police funds and retraining officers, including their responses to drug offenses. While there are outliers with more radical views regarding police reform, they are just that – outliers. Financially, police reform calls for reducing the budget for weapons, non-community orientated programs, and changes in fines and fees associated with a drug arrest. However, the primary focus of funding has less to do with budget allocations and more to do with law enforcement’s response to drug use and mental health-related issues.

Currently, many emergency calls involving drugs or mental illness result in police taking aggressive action. Police officers are currently trained as soldiers, and as a result, they act like soldiers when they are called in. This type of mentality results in a lot of unnecessary violence and a negative stigma of the police in the public eye; For example, recently, a police officer who was responding to a disturbance call broke the arm of a 73-year-old woman with dementia while using force because she was not responsive to his commands. The police are supposed to make us feel safe, but many people are just afraid of them. 

Under police reform laws, many drug-related and mental health emergencies would be handled by trained social workers, mental health professionals or simply allocate funds to train police officers in therapeutic counseling strategies of de-escalation. In all scenarios, officers would still be present in some capacity.


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The Real-Life Results of Police Reform

Reallocating the police budget affects the entire community. It also narrows the scope of police work. Police are required to respond to virtually every emergency incident. This results in police being tasked with jobs that are outside of their expertise. For example, mental health calls require nuanced psychological training to have a positive outcome. The wide range of police work also contributes to elevated stress levels in officers due to the nature of their job and the effects of poor sleep and long working hours.

These are the most significant benefits of police reform:

  • Improved Social Programs: Social programs encompass housing, education, and rehabilitation. Many social programs have extremely limited resources. This is especially true in impoverished neighborhoods. Youth that gets drawn into gang activity, drug experimenting, and other nefarious behavior often do so for lack of options. Community centers, sports, and stable housing reduce first-time offenses and provide long-lasting changes in any environment.
  • Better Support for Mental Health: Individuals with mental health issues such as addiction, depression, PTSD, etc., often need help that most cops and jail environments cannot provide. Trained mental health professionals can only provide proper treatment. Commanding presences, like that exhibited by most law enforcement, only serve to intensify the harmful effects of mental instability.
  • Reduced Violent Crime: As mentioned, cops often respond to non-violent, non-emergency situations. In police reform, officers would have more time and resources to focus on dangerous offenders and serious crimes.


Addiction as a Disease

Drug use is not a violent crime, but often authorities approach it as such. Addiction is a disorder of the brain, and drug use is a symptom of the disorder. Once you understand this, the idea of approaching the situation the same way you would a violent offender seems off base. 

Historically, people viewed substance dependency as being caused by a lack of willpower or character. However, modern health professionals view addiction as a disease. Science shows genetics, environment, culture, and mental illness all play pivotal roles in developing an addiction. Children of substance-dependent parents are more likely to become addicted and/or suffer from behavioral issues.

Viewing addiction as a disease also allows for a more well-rounded treatment plan. This is due to the increasing focus on functional medicine. Functional medicine involves treating the patient’s entire body as a system- when one part fails, it affects the entire body. For example, depression and anxiety dampen the mood and disrupt logical thinking. A person suffering from these conditions may be unable to weigh the consequences of their addiction clearly. Additionally,  people with the illnesses mentioned above may rely on substances to combat their depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking.

Overcoming substance dependency requires time, therapy, and medical treatment. Without proper training, many officers may treat someone suffering from dependency the same as a violent offender. This can cause additional trauma and worsen the effects of mental illness and dependence on those affected.

It’s worth noting that police officers are not the only career that requires additional training regarding drug use. A societal change in thinking is necessary for long-lasting help and prevention to occur regarding drug dependency.

Many cities, such as Philadelphia, have taken to providing clean needles to people suffering from heroin dependency. Intravenous drug use is accountable for disease spread, severe infection, and other occurrences that put additional strain on city funds. Providing safe places and sanitized needles curb the risk of infection and violent crime. This is just one example of how changing societal views of addiction benefit both the community and the city budget.


Where Do We Go From Here?

The conversation surrounding police reform is still in its early stages. There have been several incarnations of police reform in the past that have worked to varying degrees. 

An era of police reform occurred with the advent of digital cameras, phones, and internet crime. Police reform is a natural part of the institution; as society changes, so should the goal and practice of policing. The expectation of law enforcement moving forward is that officers will be limited in what calls they respond to en mass.


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Police reform also limits their roles in mental health cases, non-violent disputes, and drug use. There is also a call for a higher level of accountability of police from their peers. To be clear, policing is as much a lifestyle as it is a career. It’s well known that officers, much like any life-defining career, form tight-knit groups that aren’t overly friendly to outsiders. This power level allows many police officers who commit crimes to receive reduced sentences, even when found guilty. The double standard afforded to officers during criminal proceedings only drives a wedge further between officers and the community they’ve chosen to protect.

While unit camaraderie and cohesion are essential to law enforcement, the cause and effect of these relationships can feel unfair. An officer can be loyal to their sworn code and still hold their fellow officers accountable.

Lastly, the combined factors of reduced violent activity, decriminalization of substances, and budget reallocation can increase the economic value of a neighborhood. This not only improves the economy and quality of life of its residents but also of communities nearby. As it stands, many non-violent offenders lose out on lifetime earnings, resources and gain social stigma for their drug use and arrests. A more lenient, support-based system allows persons with substance use issues to receive the treatment they need and reclaim their lives. To learn more about addiction recovery call the team at Anchored Tides Recovery at 866-600-7709.

How Long Does Tramadol Stay In Your System?

how long does tramadol stay in your system

how long does tramadol stay in your system


How long does tramadol stay in your system? People have a common question about this prescription drug, which is also available under the brand name Ultram. Below, we discuss how tramadol works, the warnings, and how long it can stay in your system.


An Overview of Tramadol

A prescription drug, tramadol, is available in an immediate and extended-release oral version. When you take the immediate-release form of the medicine, it releases into the body right away. An extended-release tablet will go into your system slowly over some time.

  • Tramadol is available as a prescription for moderate to severe pain.
  • The drug classification is an opioid agonist or an opioid analgesic. 
  • A class of drugs is one where all the medications included in the group act similarly and are often treatment options for similar conditions.

When you take tramadol, it changes your brain’s sensing and response to pain. 

  • The medication is similar to something in your brain called endorphins. 
  • Endorphins are naturally occurring substances that bind to receptors. 
  • As part of this binding, the receptors reduce pain messages from your body to your brain. 
  • Essentially, tramadol works to lower the amount of pain your brain thinks you’re experiencing.

With tramadol’s initial approval in 1995, it wasn’t classified as an opioid, despite acting similarly.

  • There were growing cases of addiction and abuse associated with tramadol. 
  • In 2014, as a result, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to make tramadol a controlled substance. 
  • A controlled substance has accepted medical uses, but it is also highly regulated because of its potential abuse or addiction.

Among opioids, tramadol is among the safer ones but still has risks. 

  • Tramadol is a schedule IV drug, meaning relative to other controlled substances. 
  • OxyContin, on the other hand, which is a prescription opioid, is a schedule II drug.
  • Schedule II drugs have high abuse potential, despite their medical uses.

Tramadol is for the treatment of conditions causing chronic pain like osteoarthritis or pain after surgery. 

  • Along with binding to opioid receptors to block pain signals, tramadol works in other ways. 
  • Tramadol increases levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. 
  • Both are chemical messengers or neurotransmitters playing a role in your perception of pain.
  • Tramadol doesn’t cure pain or treat the underlying cause, but it can help improve functionality in your daily life.


Tramadol Side Effects

Some of the relatively common side effects of tramadol include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Sedation
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Itching
  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Sweating

More severe side effects requiring medical attention can include:

  • Slow or shallow breathing
  • Changes in blood pressure 
  • Risk of serotonin syndrome
  • Low levels of androgen, which are male hormones
  • Seizures
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Overdose
  • Tramadol addiction
  • Potential for dependence 

As we mentioned, as an opioid medication, tramadol can be habit-forming. If your form a physical dependence after taking it for some time, you may have symptoms of tramadol withdrawal if you try to stop suddenly, also known as cold turkey.

Tramadol can have drug interactions, so you should tell a medical professional everything else you take. You shouldn’t combine tramadol with alcohol or other sedatives, or any other opioid drug, because doing so can increase your risk of side effects and overdose.

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How Long Does Tramadol Stay in Your System?

If you take tramadol for pain, it should begin working within about an hour after an immediate-release dose. The effects and pain-relieving benefits usually peak in two to four hours. The extended-relief versions will gradually release the medication into your system over a longer time.

  • The tramadol half-life is anywhere from five to nine hours. 
  • Half-life is a measure of how long it takes your body to eliminate half a dose of the drug.
  • Complete elimination can take anywhere from five to six times as long as the half-life.
  • That could mean it could take up to 54 hours for tramadol to leave your system.

Your liver breaks tramadol down, and your kidneys get rid of it via your urine; around 30% of the dose you take stays in its original form. Your body converts the rest to metabolites, which you then excrete.

Different drug tests for tramadol have a varying amount of time the drug is detectable in your system.


Blood Tests

Blood samples can detect tramadol reasonably quickly after you use it, and it may show up for up to 48 hours after the last time you take it.


Urine Tests

In urine, tramadol has a detection window of up to four hours. 


Saliva Tests

After taking tramadol, the detection time could be 24 hours to up to 48 hours after your last use if you undergo a saliva test.


Hair Tests

Hair follicles can detect tramadol up to 90 days after your last use.


Factors Affecting How Long Tramadol Stays in Your System

While the above are estimates, individual factors play a role in how long tramadol stays in your system in drug screenings.

Older people metabolize substances more slowly, often because of impaired organ function, including kidney function and liver function. Body composition and underlying medical conditions affect how long it takes your body to process any drug, including tramadol. 

Larger doses take longer to clear from the body. The more often you use tramadol, the longer it will take to metabolize because it accumulates in your body.

If you have a slower metabolic rate, it can take longer for tramadol or any drug to clear your system.


What Are the Side Effects of Stopping Tramadol Suddenly?

You shouldn’t stop taking tramadol suddenly without talking to a health care professional first; if you stop short or cold turkey, you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you’re physically dependent.

Opioid withdrawal side effects include two general phases—early and late. Early withdrawal starts as the drug leaves your bloodstream after your last dose of tramadol. Late withdrawal usually comes a few days after. Signs of early withdrawal from an opioid can include:

  • Muscle aches and muscle pain
  • Tearing up
  • Sweating
  • Runny nose
  • Yawning
  • Sleep disturbances and insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Hypertension
  • Racing heart rate
  • Fast breathing

Later unpleasant withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Chills/goosebumps
  • Stomach pain and cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Brain fog or trouble concentrating
  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Depersonalization

Opioid withdrawal symptoms will usually start within 12 hours after the last dose. According to the DEA, around 90% of people going through tramadol withdrawal have symptoms in line with traditional opioid withdrawal. Approximately 10% will have more severe long-term symptoms such as extreme paranoia, anxiety, and panic.

If you’re struggling with tramadol or any other opioid, please call 866-600-7709 and contact the compassionate treatment team at Anchored Tides Recovery to learn about options for treatment.